dissapearing act

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i busted out the door and outta the school to  the parking lot. but neither Valerie nor darion was there. i only have this one chance. or else he will leave and never come back here. i have to find him. i ran to the back of the school and shook my head. they're gone im too late. hes never going to know im sorry. hes never going to know that i love him and it makes my ache. my only chance to confess, now crushed to pieces.

i slowly walk home. regretting the fact of ever leaving darion. of ever being weak and thinking i could have a shot at saving the world.

"look what the cat dragged in...."

someone grabs me from behind and i elbow them hard. it was a spirit, and he had a blade. like a box knife blade. but i was in the spirits box. he swung the blade at me and i ducked immediately. this is my moment to prove im not weak. i kicked the spirit hard and he grabbed my ankle. i hit the ground hard and the spirit stabbed me in the chest. i gasped for air as i pushed the spirit off of me. blood was all over the place. i held my chest and began panting out of frustration. why was this spirit so strong? 

"tch had enough yet? all you have to do is give me your blood. just a pound, or o can kill you here and now." the spirit grabbed me by my shirt and snarled in my face

"had enough yet? any last words?"

i smiled weakly and laughed "any last words?"     "no you idiot im asking you if you have any last words"

"any last words.."         "Yes you're about to die you gimbals, any last words?"

i laughed despite the pain and blurted out of nowhere

"You're the reason countries have to put labels on shampoo bottles."

"what the hell are you talking about?"

i slide out from underneath the spirit and slam my foot into his back. the knife stabs him and he dissapears that instant.

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