clueless and comfused

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"so i am the only one who can save the world now? what about the cops and fbi? isnt this there job?"

he slaps himself in the head and states

" no you stupid o! only people who are born with spirit like powers can see ghosts i mean spirits."

"okay so you're not answering my question who are you? and why are you trying to protect me?" my mom and dad are demon hunters. they go after the spirit demons and put them away. but your parents were demon hunters too. and basically we were friends until a spirit demon named Lexington got a hold of you. he wiped your memory so that you couldn't grow up and become a spirit hunter like your mom and dad. they are demon hunters. but the demons send out what are called spirit demons to kill humans and wreck havoc.                                                                                                  your parents wanted to protect you after you got your memory wiped. so they left you when you were seven at your aunts. your aunt is a bitch yes, but your parents didn't want to leave you. they loved you. After a while the war ended only for another one to start. so your parents died in the first one. they were killed by Lexington. "

"so what does any of this have to do with you?"

"my parents wanted me to grow up and become one of these spirit hunters. but lexington took my spirit and im basically just a ghost now...."

i slowly moved my hand across his face to feel his smooth face. then i stated

"how come i can touch you then?"

"he only took my spirit and as i said before, only people who can see spirits and ghosts: can touch them."

"wait so no one else can see you?"

he shook his head and i looked around the parking lot.

"they're going to think im crazy because m talking to you and tey cant see you"

he began to laugh and i shook my head in disapproval

"who are you. Whoever you are i believe you for some reason. what you say does sound accurate and i dont remember you or anything except for my parents leaving me with my aunt"

he smiled and kindly stated "my name is darion. and i need to get my spirit back or else ill disappear forever."

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