Chapter 1

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I awoke in on a Friday afternoon. I covered my eyes unsuccessfully, due to the sunlight seeping through the crevices between my fingers. It beamed in my eyes, blinding me as the seconds ticked by. I swung my legs off of my bed, onto the carpeted floor. I stared at the puzzle box on my nightstand that I was given, just as a gift, a few days prior. I snatched the cold box into my hands.

I turned it in every direction. Right, left, side to side. It had an...odd pattern on it. I rubbed my thumb in a circular motion around a circle in the middle of one of its sides. A feeling of static electricity coursed through each and every one of my veins. Part of the box opened, and moved in strange ways. 'So, I was given an odd, ancient rubix cube?' I thought.

Little blue bolts of electricity crackled around the box, stinging my hands. I didn't mind. I kind of liked the feeling. 

A blue light filled my room, seeping in though the walls. The wall to my right slowly opened as if it were a door. Four mutated...people? Demons? They all wore leather. One was a male, had no eyes, teeth chattering, and the gums looked like they have been bleeding for god knows how long. Another one was a Male, as well, he wore sunglasses, teeth as sharp as razors, and had a bit of weight on him. There was a female that had a wire connected to her cheeks and her neck, making her throat wide open. She had pale skin, and she had no hair. None of them did.

But the fourth one. He was also pale, he had black orbs, blue surrounding his eyes like he hasn't slept in weeks, and he had pins in his head.

"The box, you opened it, we came!" His voice boomed. The man looked like he had been disturbed from doing something, like performing a task. The female at his side had a hook in hand, and was staring me down like she were to use it on me. Like she were to mark me, and leave a huge gash in my stomach. The thought made me queasy.

"You must come with us. We must tear your flesh. You must please us. Experience the pain. Suffer in the Labyrinth." The female said, her voice whispery and raspy.

"Wait! We shall spare her! I see potential in this mortal." The man with pins boomed, his voice echoing. He turned to me and admired my figure.

"Victoria, will you be able to please us? Will you bring us what we need?" He questioned. I stood up straight, despite my fear and tears trying to escape and earn freedom from my eyes, I was able to agree. I nodded reluctantly.

"Y-yes...yes I will." I squeaked nervously.

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