Chapter 3

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(Sorry this story kinda sucks lol)

As soon as Pinhead left, stumbled to my closet and changed into a pair of grey sweatpants. I didn't bother taking off my hoodie. I was too comfortable in it. It was my favorite, too. I flopped on the bed. A million thoughts pranced around in my head.

'Is he actually going to spare me? I mean, if I fail him, he'll kill me without a doubt. But, will he kill me either way? This is all happening so fast! Yeah, I have until Monday, but is that going to be enough time for me? For him?' I got up to use the bathroom. I exited my room, turning left to go to the bathroom. I flipped the lights on, closing the door as I entered. I peeled my sweatpants and underwear(panties, idk I call them both sometimes) so I could do what I had to do.


I sat on the toilet in silence. 'Who could that be?' I thought.

"Hello? Pinhead, is that you?" I questioned what I had thought to be Pinhead. No response.

"Ah, hell nah!" I exclaim. I live alone. Yeah, Pinhead would be checking up on me, but he wasn't living with me. I mean, we barely know each other!

I pulled up my sweatpants and underwear, and flushed the toilet. I approached the sink and turned the water on. I rinsed my hands, slowly rubbing in between my soft, warm fingers. I did the same with a bar of soap. Then with water again. I dried my hands, and trudged out of the bathroom. I trailed back to my room. I looked at my queen sized bed. The fancy comforter. The fuzzy blanket and pillows. I turned around, and decided to flop onto my bed with my back hitting the bed instead of my stomach. As I fall onto the bed, my back hits something solid. It's definitely not my bed. It felt as if I had fallen onto a wood board. I sit up, and in my peripheral vision, I see that I am sitting on Pinhead.

"You just left like, five minutes ago!" I exclaimed. He had been gone for such a short amount of time, and now he's...back? Did he want someone to keep his company?

"Just wanted to check on you, child." He bellowed, smirking. I flopped back onto him. He didn't seem to mind. But, the littlest things can piss him off. I don't want to toy with his temper. We laid there for a while, not knowing what to think or say. We look at each other, and that's all we do for a few minutes. Then, everything went black.

((Sorry this chapter is so short my amigos sorry it sucks too heh I will add more detail and shit and soon it may get a bit spicy once again sorry this is kinda bad))

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