Chapter 22

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Still Pinheads POV:

I stared at her blankly. 'Pregnant?!'

"Are you sure the kid is mine?" I surveyed. Her eyes studied mine.

"Yes, Pinhead. I'm sure. The last time I had sex before you was two years ago with my ex. We were together at the time, so don't get confused." She replied. I let out a low hum and nodded.

"Elliott would be treating this subject better than you." She grumbled.

"I'm...astonished, is all."

"So, you do wanna have a baby?!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"Well, I won't abandon it like all of the other men out there. I love you, afterall. I will also love the child. I will protect you both...even though you're immortal. But, we don't know about the child." I responded. A warm smile crept it's way onto my pinned face.

"Well...I know I'm changing the subject, know about the vision I had? About Merkova and Atkins?" She asked. I nodded.

"I'm starting to think that they won't get married or some shit like that. What if...what if it's something else?"

I studied her. Her facial expression said it all. She was confused. She was worried. 'Why do I still care?...Leviathan will be furious.'

Victoria's POV:

I stared at the floor. Thoughts lingered around in my head. 'What if my visions drive me to make bad decisions? Will my abilities affect the baby?'

"I know what you're thinking, princess." Pinhead bellowed. Tears welled in my eyes.

"It will be ok, my dear." He said as he made his way to me. A tear rolled down my cheek.

"No tears, please. It doesn't suit you." He said softly. It soothed me a bit, but not much.

"I must speak to Elliott." I blurted. The only thing of his that I could see was his shoes. I didn't look up at him. I didn't have to. I closed my eyes, allowing another tear to make it's way down my cheek.

"Are you forgetting that me and Hell Priest are the same?" A voice asked in a British accent. I opened my eyes and looked up. Elliott.

"The same people with different looks and personalities." I hissed.

"My love, I know you're stressed, but you just have to take things slow. Don't overthink." He said calmly.

"Elliott, Pinhead isn't as calm as you. When you're Hell Priest, you're not like how you are now. I'm fine with that, but I'm afraid of what he thinks about this situation!" I exclaimed.

"Calm down, Tori. It's ok, I promise. I'm rather excited." He assured me. Another tear trickled down my cheek. I left out one thing from the picture. I had miscarried two years ago. My boyfriend at the time got me pregnant, and when I told him...he left me. He told me that it was my responsibility. He wasn't wrong, of course. But, it was also his responsibility. He was going to be the father! At least my family was happy about it. Accept for my psychotic aunt Ashley. We don't talk to her. My aunt Tina, my grandmother, and mother were excited. My dad however...he wasn't that happy.

Three months into pregnancy, I miscarried. I was devastated. I had told my family the news, and they were a mixture of things. They were sad, but they were also furious. Well, my mom was.

"You weren't responsible enough! You probably went out of clubs and drank until you saw the sun rise! I told you you would never be responsible!" She had told me. I was responsible. I still am. I didn't even get near a club when I was pregnant. Sometimes, I'm not though. But, not everyone is responsible all of the time. She showed me how to do things that I already knew how to do. She just wanted everything to go her way.

"Tori? Tori, are you ok?" Elliott asked concerned. I looked up at him. There was a look of worry in his blue eyes. 

"What's wrong, my love?"

"Elliott, there's something that I haven't told you..." I mumbled. I hadn't noticed that I had been having a full on meltdown. "T-two years ago...I was p-pregnant with my ex's baby...and I m-miscarried..." I stammered. "I'm worried that I might miscarry again...last time, it was because my great grandmother gave me the flu, and the baby didn't make it." 

"That won't happen this time." He growled. My head shot up.

I held something in my arms. It was wrapped in a blanket. I sat up in what seemed to be a hospital bed. I examined my surroundings. I was in the Labyrinths. Pinhead stood beside me; a warm smile on his face. I looked down at what I had in my arms. It was a baby girl.

I stood before Merkova and Atkins. I got a better look at my surroundings. It wasn't a wedding. It was an arena. Everyone was silent. Merkova had an animalistic look in her eyes. So did Atkins.

"Tori! What did you see?" I didn't respond. I sat there staring at Elliott. I didn't feel like myself. I felt....different.
I had two visions in one...but why?...

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