Chapter 40

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Third Person POV:

Victoria dropped to the floor. Pinhead rushed over to the girl in a panic.

"Why did you do that, Merkova?!?!" Pinhead boomed. His voice shook the whole house.

"I want you back!" Merkova cried.

"I want you out of my fiancèe's life! I love her so goddamn much, and you're going to try to ruin that! You won't stop!" Pinhead screamed. He has never felt so angry. He had never been so protective; especially toward a human. But, even his mortal self didn't feel like that in his entire life.

Merkova gazed into Pinheads eyes. For once, she actually felt guilty about her actions. She saw the anger, and pain in the mans eyes. She had never seen him like that before. She didn't want to.

"I...I realize that...that this human makes you feel whole again...I...I just need to move on from you.." Merkova spoke softly.

"Stop talking! Go back to the Labyrinth. I don't want to see your face on this planet!" Pinhead shouted. For the first time in god knows how long; a tear rolled down the mans cheek. Victoria wasn't breathing. He couldn't lose her. He loved her dearly. He felt pain. Mentally. He was afraid of losing the baby. He didn't want his family to die.

Memories flooded his head.

When the two met...

When they kissed...

The proposal...

The first time they had sex...

The news about the pregnancy...

Everything hit him at once. Merkova had already left the property. But, he didn't care. He just wanted Victoria back.

~Time Skip~
In the Labyrinth

"Angelique!" Pinhead boomed as he made his way to the room that Angelique does her training in.

"Coming, Hell Priest!" She hollered in a heavy French accent. She opened the door and stood before and angry Pinhead that held his beloved in his arms.

"What has happened?!" Angelique gasped.

"We just need to bring her back!" Pinhead scowled. Tears slowly ran down his pale white cheeks.

"Hell Priest, you're crying!" Angelique pointed out. He ignored her observation, cleared off the table that had weapons on it, and set the girl down.

"Call that girl, Trinity. Explain the situation." Pinhead commanded. Angelique nodded, and exited the room in a hurry.

"It'll be alright, my love." Pinhead whispered. He stood beside the lifeless girl; not daring to leave her side. He wanted to be there if she woke up. He wanted to be there so he knew she was ok.

He felt horrible. He hasn't felt that way in a very...very....very long time. He had failed at his job. His job was to keep his beloved and his child safe. But, he wouldn't give up so easily. He would do anything and everything to bring Victoria back.

"She has arrived with something that will bring Victoria back!" Angelique panted. Trinity rushed into the room with the healing dagger. Green light swirled around the blade.

"What happened?!" Trinity exclaimed.

"Merkova..." Pinhead whispered.

"That bitch!!" Trinity scowled. She raised her arm; getting ready to impale the side of Victoria's neck.

Her arm dropped. The blade made it's way into the girls neck.

She started breathing. She hasn't opened her eyes, though. Pinhead felt relieved. They all did. Pinhead was still worried, though. He bent down, and planted a kiss onto the girls forehead.

"I will never leave your side, my love. Never." He whispered in her ear. A small smile crept onto her face. The color that once resided on her gorgeous face was drained, and she was ill.

"Leave the dagger in until she is better. Don't take it out when she wakes up, take it out when she isn't sick anymore." Trinity instructed Pinhead. He nodded. He picked up the girl, and started to make his way back home. Victoria had known that she had fallen in love with someone that had a heart of demise.

A heart of hell.

To be continued....

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