Chapter 26

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I opened my eyes. They hurt more than anything. My head felt like a hammer was hammering the inside of  my skull.

"We meet again, Victoria." A whispery voice beckoned. I tried to look up at whoever was speaking, but I couldn't tell if I was actually looking at them; due to blurry vision.

"W-where's Pinhead? Where is  Trinity?!" I shouted nervously.

"They are waiting for the big fight. You're back in the Labyrinths." The voice bellowed. It was the Female Cenobite.

"B-big fight? Is...Atkins and Merkova..." I realized that it was the day that Atkins and Merkova would fight till the death.

"Correct. I heard about you and Hell Priest. Congratulations. May I take a look at your ring?"

"O-of course!" I said cheerfully. My vision was still kind of blurry, but I could see again. I was sitting in a dirty old chair that seemed like it had belonged to an abandoned salon. I couldn't get a really good look at what the room looked like; but I could make out a shelf with torture devices such as sickles, and saws. She gently took my hand, and examined my ring very closely.

"Hm, your birthstone." She mumbled. "Your initials are engraved in the side." She blurted. I didn't see that! I snatched my hand away and looked at the side of the ring. It was true. It had "P + V" engraved in it. I turned it the other side. It had, "E + V" engraved on that side; the "E" standing for Elliot. I slid the ring back on; not wanting to lose it. The female started to put my hair up.

"So, how did you know that Atkins and Merlova are going to fight?" She asked curiously.

"Well, I have visions. What will happen, is my head will shoot up, and I'll just see something that might happen, or something that connects to something else. Like, and event or some shit like that." I replied. She let out a low hum in response.

"I have to say, Victoria...I'm jealous of you. It's not a bad kind of jealous. I want to know you better; be a friend of yours." The female stated. I gave her a slight nod.

~Time skip~
30 minutes later

I sat in a metal chair next to Trinity and my beloved, Pinhead. My hair was up in the fanciest bun I have ever seen, and I wore a black sleeveless dress that had a choker connected to it, ruffles at the top, a belt around my waist, and it went down my ankles. I also wore a pair black leather high heel boots.

"Tori, can you do that cool, vision thing to see who wins?" Trinity asked as she bounced up in down in her seat. She also had her hair up in a bun, and she wore a sleeveless black dress that faded into red at the bottom.

"It doesn't work like that, Trin. They just...happen." I replied.

"Hello everyone! We are all gathered here today due to a special event! We have two contestants that will fight till one dies and becomes human again!" A Cenobite said into a microphone. Just like all of the other Cenobites, he was bald. He had a camera in his face; right where is right eye would be. His left eye looked as if it were swollen. I finally got a good look at the arena. It was circular, and it looked like it was one of those arena's that people in Ancient Greece would use for games or something.

"Please give a round of applause for, Atkins! Otherwise known as, 'Hell's Bastard Son,' or, 'Hell's Armorer!'" The man said. Everyone clapped and cheered. I didn't clap. Nor did I cheer. I didn't need to.

"Out other guest that has joined us to make sure that this happens for all of our eyes to see, everyone, please give a warm sickening welcome, tooooo Merkovaa!" The man said cheerfully. Everyone clapped and whooped; except for Trinity, Pinhead, and I.

"Do you think Merkova will win?" Trinity whispered.

"Hell, no!" I whisper-shouted. But, a part of me told me that I was wrong. I deeply wanted Atkins to win; and for Merkova to get killed and turn back into a human so she can die all over again. But I would be the cause of her death this time. A knot formed in my stomach, and I became nauseous.

Merkova and Atkins stepped out of the shadows into the spotlight. The broad man standing before Merkova held an atomic weapon. I didn't recognize it. Being in the Labyrinths off and on for a bit; I have seen quite a few atomic weapons. But this one; I had never seen it before. Atkins immediately started the fight. He shot the weapon at Merkova with no hesitation. He missed. Merkova sprang into action. She summoned a chain, and swung it at him. Luckily, he dodged her attack. I already wanted to step in and help Atkins. This went on for what felt like eight long minutes.





Eventually, Merkova penetrated Atkins side. It didn't bother him in the slightest. He just lost a bit of blood.

Merkova looked over in my direction.

"I will win, Victoria! And I will win Hell Priest back!!" She screamed as she lunged towards Atkins. She swung the chain at his hand; knocking the weapon out of his big hand. She swung the chain, and punctured his stomach. The chain was pretty deep I  his stomach, too. The broad man held onto the chain for dear life.

The skinny woman rushed over to the weapon that was on the ground. Merkova snatched it off of the ground, and pointed it at Atkins. If Merkova didn't was most likely game over.

I stood up.

"No, let them handle this." Pinhead snapped as he grabbed my wrist. I snatched my wrist back.

"I have to help Atkins! All Merkova has done, is affect our relationship! And she won't stop until her wish comes true if she wins this fight!" I shouted over the crowds cheering. I marched over to where Merkova and Atkins stood. Merkova's finger was on the tringer.

"I have dealt with your bullshit long enough!" I screamed as I threw Merkova across the arena with my mind. Atkins looked at me with a shocked expression on his face. The whole crowd went silent. Merkova stood up, and lunged towards me with a chain in hand once again. I stopped her dead in her tracks; making her run in place.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you!" She scowled.

"Try me!" I scoffed. I let her go, allowing her to swing the chain at me and peirce my side. It didn't bother me. I didn't pay attention to the sheer pain in my left side. The whole crowd gasped.

"What did I tell you? I'm immortal, you dumb fuck!" I snarled as I brought the atomic weapon to my feet with my ability. I picked it up, and pointed it at Merkova.

"So this is how it ends?! This is how my life as a Cenobite ends?!" She asked growled.

"Perhaps, it is." I snapped back as I pulled the trigger.

(Just an image of the dress for y'all yes it is the dress form the show, "Wednesday" so sue me! I'm just obsessed with the show and that dress is so beautiful I just had to)

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(Just an image of the dress for y'all yes it is the dress form the show, "Wednesday" so sue me! I'm just obsessed with the show and that dress is so beautiful I just had to)

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