Chapter 37

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Third Person POV:

Victoria and Pinhead stood before Merkova in shock. Victoria was furious. She couldn't stand the sight of Merkova.

"So, are you a human or a Cenobite?" Victoria asked.

"I'm a human. I know, I look the same way that I did when I was a Cenobite. But, Victoria, I'm here to apologize. I know you won't forgive me, which is understandable. Same for you, Hell Priest. I have come to the realization that you have moved on from me. I understand if I am not forgiven, and I also understand that you guys dislike me." Merkova explained. Victoria looked at Pinhead; confusion, and anger evident in her dark blue eyes. Pinhead felt the exact same way.

"Merkova, all you have done is cause trouble for me, and my beloved. We will never forgive you." Pinhead bellowed sternly.

"I understand. I don't want to cause anymore problems." Merkova replied calmly. "I will leave now. I apologize for wasting your guys' time."

Victoria was outraged. Why would Merkova show up randomly to ask for forgiveness? 

Pinhead felt the same way. He wanted to watch Merkova get torn apart limb from limb. Bit by bit.

"I just want to tear her apart limb from limb! Bit by bit!" Victoria snarled as she slammed the front door.

"Calm down, Princess. Hopefully, she has just left our lives just like how she left our property." Pinhead said softly. But, Pinhead knew something that Victoria didn't. She would come back. She would come back to try and make amends. But, something bad would happen.

"I hope she left our lives." Victoria muttered. The girl pushed past Pinhead, and walked into the kitchen. "Now I want something to eat." She mumbled.

"I could go get us something instead of having you scan the whole house." Pinhead offered.

"If you want to." Victoria sighed.

"I'm sorry this happened, my love." Pinhead said as he approached the skinny girl. He loved her blue eyes.. her brunette hair..her in general.

He embraced her in his arms.

"I love you, Victoria. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." Pinhead whispered.

"I love you, too, Pinhead." Victoria giggled. Pinhead leaned in for a long, romantic kiss. His pins poked at the girls face; but she didn't care. She enjoyed the feeling.

"Mm! Pinhead!" She giggled as she pulled away.

"What's that matter?" Pinhead mumbled.

"I'm hungry! I gotta find myself something to eat." The girl giggled as she slithered out of Pinheads arms.

"I will get you something." Pinhead growled seductively as he placed his hand on her hip and pulled her back in for another kiss. His free hand roamed her body; her core..her frame.

He picked her up; Victoria wrapping her legs around the mans waist in the process. He walked forward and roughly pinned Victoria against the fridge door. His free hand moved down to her thigh. He nipped at her bottom lip, causing a quiet moan to come out of the girl. The man chuckled in between the kiss.


"Shit! I'll get it." Victoria said as she pulled away from the kiss. Pinhead put her down. Victoria walked over to the counter, and picked up the phone.


"Hey! Are you busy at all?" Kayla questioned.

"Oh, hey Kayla! No, I'm not. Just hanging out with Pinboy." I replied. Pinhead rolled his dark obsidian eyes.

"Could I come over?" Kayla asked.

"Of course! I just can't drink, and also don't call Pinhead "Pinboy," or anything like that. I'm the only one that can do that." I giggled.

"Alrighty! See ya in a few!"

"See ya." Victoria giggled as she hung up. She leaned against the marble counter and let out a sigh.

"Pin, I feel like my life is slowly falling apart." She sniffled.

"It's ok, my love. I'm trying my best to make sure you are ok. I am trying to make sure you're happy." Pinhead assured her. Victoria looked up at Pinhead. Her eyes were filled with pain, and sorrow.

"What is there to be sorry about, love?" He asked.

"Everything is my fault.."

"Nonsense! None of this is your doing!" Pinhead boomed. Victoria tried her best not to cry, and got ready for Kayla's arrival. Victoria was in pain, but she was happier than she has ever been. She hasn't spoken to her family in weeks. Almost a month. Maybe even two. Her family was probably worried...Her grandmother came to her mind. She smiled subtly at the memories.

"Do you need help with anything, darling?" Pinhead asked with a warm smile on his face.

"No, I'm fine." Victoria said a bit harshly. She didn't mean for those words to come out harshly.

"I'm sorry I sounded rude. Just...stressed." The girl muttered.

"I understand, it's nothing to worry about." Pinhead bellowed.


Victoria went to answer the door.

"SUPRISE!!!" Kayla, Trinity, Angelique, and one of Victoria's other friends, Nick shouted. Open-Throat was there, too. Nick was actually a girl, just transgender, and also kind of looked like a male except for her body figure and her boobs. Victoria groaned.

"I hate suprises..." She grumbled.

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