Chapter 23

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~Time skip~

"Elliott, stop!" I giggled as he kissed my neck passionately.

"Why should I, my dear?" He whispered in my ear. My hand interlocked with his. He was on top of me; running his fingertips up and down my side gently.

"I bet my shirt would like nice on you." He whispered with a warm smile on his face. Our eyes met. He had beautiful dark brown eyes. Elliott allowed his body to rest on mine.

"Maybe." I giggled.

"You're cute, Victoria. Did you know that?" He asked chuckling a bit.

"Nooooo! I didn't! I'm actually cute?!" I joked.

" are." He said just above a whisper. He ran his fingers through my short hair. He sat up, and slipped his green shirt off. I admired him. His skin looked silky smooth. He was skinny, and had a broad chest. Just like Pinhead. He handed his shirt to me.

"You know me a little too well." I said smiling. I slid my baggy sweatshirt off, exposing my skinny upper body. I didn't wear a shirt underneath my sweatshirt; I put his shirt on. It was slightly wrinkly, but I didn't mind. It was a bit big on me; but it was comfy.

"Is it comfy?" He questioned. I nodded. He climbed back on top of me, letting his body to rest on mine once again. He ran his fingertips along my frame.

"By the way, don't call me Tori. Only Trinity can call me that." I whispered. He giggled and slightly nodded before placing a gentle kiss onto my soft lips.

"So, Mr do you really feel about me? Do you actually love me?" I surveyed, my smile never leaving my face.

"I love you. That's the truth, Mrs. Spencer." He responded. I tilted my head a little bit.

"Mrs. Spencer? We aren't married, silly." I giggled.

"Not yet, my love." He said softly as he kissed me.

"Stay with me, Elliott. Be you for a night; not Hell Priest. Please?" I asked. His eyes studied mine. God his eyes are so beautiful.

"Sure. Just for you, sweetheart." He whispered as he kissed my neck.

After a little while of staying like that, Elliott stood up.

"I will be back. Close your eyes." He said playfully. I closed my eyes and waited for him to return. I burrowed into Elliott's shirt. It smelled so nice. It smelled like expensive cologne.

"Ok, love. You can open your eyes now!"

I sat up, and opened my eyes. He stood before me, his hands behind his back.

"Before I give you your surprise, I just want you to know're my world. I would do anything and everything for you. I don't want to hurt you, nor do I want anyone else hurting you. You're special, and you deserve so much. You are talented, smart, funny, kind hearted, and you are the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on. You're important to me, Victoria." He stated as he slowly allowed his hands to drop to his sides. He raised his hands to show he had a small box in his hands. I knew exactly what was happening. Tears welled in my eyes. His right knee dropped to the floor as he opened the box.

"Will you marry me, and become Mrs. Spencer, my love?" He asked. He had a huge, warm smile on his face. A tear trickled down my cheek. My jaw slightly dropped.

"Yes!" I squealed happily. I jumped up off of the bed, and wrapped my arms around his waist tightly. I let go to allow him to slide the ring on my finger. I examined the ring as he slid it on my finger. It fit perfectly. It was gorgeous, too. It was silver, and what the gem rested in was in the shape of a diamond. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that the gem was a real ruby. My birthstone.

(Hope you guys are liking this book! I am trying to make it as good as possible I know I'm horrible at writing books lol)

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