Chapter 24

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~Time skip~

"You what?!?!" Merkova screamed.

"I proposed to Victoria. After all, you are destined to be with Atkins." Pinhead growled. My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach. 'Should I tell them? Merkova is not destined to marry Atkins...they are destined to fight to the death.'

"Merkova, don't start throwing a hissy-fit. You can't stop our future." I hissed.

"Is it true that Atkins and I will get married?! Tell me the fucking truth or else I'll-"

"I. Am. Immortal." I interrupted. "I don't know for sure about you and Atkins anymore."

"Fine!" Merkova scowled as she stormed out of the room. We were in the Labyrinths at the time.

"Don't worry about her. She-"

"She isn't destined to marry Atkins. They're destined to fight. I don't know why this is so fucking important! It shouldn't be!" I exclaimed.

"Drop the attitude, child. I'm in no mood for your back talking." Pinhead snapped.

"No! I won't drop the attitude! I love you, Pinhead. But, sometimes, it feels like you've ruined my fucking life! It feels like you enjoy doing so, too! Plus, how do I know that you're not fucking Merkova when you come here without me?!?!?!" I screamed. Anger flushed his pinned face. Yet, disappointment crept into his gorgeous black eyes. He lowered his eyes.

"I'm going to fill out an application at the club." I informed him. He nodded.

~Time skip~
At the club

"Hey, Tori!! What are you doin here? Especially without your man?!"

"Trinity, I am having such a rough day today. This chick, Merkova is trying to steal my fiancèe." I scowled in frustration.

"Wait, when did he propose?!" She asked excitedly.

"Last night. Anyway, celebrate later I'm here to fill out an application for bartender. By the way, if you wanna celebrate later, I can't drink I'm pregnant-"

"Woah, woah, sooo, you just got engaged last night, and you're pregnant?!" She exclaimed. I nodded.

"Oh. My. Gosh!!! I'm gonna be an aunt!!!" She squealed. "Oh, and by the way, I already talked to my crew. You don't need to fill out an application, you're hired already. We knew you would take the offer." She giggled. "So, when do you wanna start?" She asked excitedly.

"Uh, Sunday." I answered.

"Alrighty! So, in two days?"


I left the club; making my way to my house. I was already exhausted, and I yearned to sleep in my comfortable bed.

"I'm sorry, Victoria." A voice rang in my ear. It sounded like one that I new. It sounded like Pinhead. "I know I've ruined your life. But, look at us now. We're engaged, and we're going to be the guardians of a child." His voice rang in my ear.

"Hey-" I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, and saw a tall man; about six foot; standing before me. He wore a white tank top, and jeans. He had dark brown hair that could pass for black, and brown eyes.

"Sorry, did I get in your way?" I asked.

"No, you didn't. I'm Frank, by the way." He said, holding out his hand. I held out mine and we shook hands.

"Hey, do you need a place to stay, or something?" I surveyed.

"Yeah, I do, actually. How'd you know?"

"Just a feeling, I guess."

Me and Frank walked to my house. The walk there was rather...quiet. We barely talked.

I swung the door open, and ushered Frank into the house.

"Nice house. It's pretty, like you." He said, smirking. I rolled my eyes. 'Hurry up, Pinhead!'

A chain came out of nowhere and pierced his dark skin. He yelped in pain. Another chain went through his skin, drawing even more blood. My head shot up.

Frank sat beside me on a bed. On my old bed. He was shirtless, and had more than just a hint of lust in his eyes. It was almost animalistic. I looked around the room. I was seven years old again.

I lowered my head. His whole body had been penetrated by chains. He howled in pain.

"You son of a bitch!!" I scowled.

"You've grown quite a bit, sweetie." He growled. I wanted to use one of my abilities, but I was being held back by something. I couldn't move. Eventually, he exploded due to the chains pulling so much. Chunks of his body flew across the room.

"I could've finished him off!" I screamed.

"You're too angry. You would've taken things too far." Pinhead boomed. I didn't respond.

"I need my space." I said as I stormed off into my room.

(I know this book sucks ass trust me. I'm going through a bit of writers block, but I'll get out of it! Enjoy!....maybe?...)

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