Chapter 9

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Pinheads POV:

I walk into the living room and sit on the couch, Victoria doing the same. I could see deep within her eyes she now had a million questions.

"Pinhead, were you always like this?" She asked. I look at her, and think for a second. 'Should I tell her?'

"Well, I wasn't always like this. I was a human, at one point. I fought in um, in the first World War, I believe. I think my name was, um, Elliott Spencer. I don't remember much. We just started remembering our human years due to a girl named Kirsty Cotton. We'll discuss her story later...." I explained.

"Interesting..." Victoria replied. She looked at me, her blue orbs burning into my features. She looked so curious. Curiosity flooded her eyes, but she controlled it. She didn't ask anymore questions. We just sat there.

I look back at her. She's playing with her brunette hair the fell to her shoulders. 'Why do I care? Why do I care about this mortal?'

"Are you ok? You seem to be stressing about something, love." I blurt.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Just, a little anxious.." she answered. Her leg started slowly bouncing.

I put my hand on her outer thigh to calm her down a bit. Her leg stops. She stops entirely. She slowly moves closer to me, crawling into my lap. There was a hint of lust in her eyes, but it went away quickly. She slowly got closer, eventually the pin above my lips pressing right below her nose. She stayed there for a minute, before maneuvering around the pins, and placed a gentle, warm kiss onto my lips.

My eyes widened. I did indeed like it, but I wasn't supposed to. I'm not supposed to catch feelings for a mortal, and I never have desires to make love with one. She pulled away, fear flooding her eyes. Her face grew red with embarrassment.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't- I was- I'm sorry.." She stammered. She stood up and went to her room.

"Darling," I began as I entered her room. "I actually quite liked it." I said softly. Her gaze met mine.

Victoria's POV:

I was shocked. I didn't expect him to say that. I was mad at myself for doing that. I thought I had angered him. But, apparently I was wrong.

He made his way to my bed, and sat down next to me. 'I should be hanging out with friends or something. I should be wanting to spend the rest of my years with a normal person. With a human being. Not with a Cenobite!' A voice in my head screamed at me, throwing in absurd thoughts.

"Pinhead, why do you care about me? You still could've killed me. Why haven't you? I questioned. He sighed.

"I simply don't understand why I care about you. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I don't understand why I-" He was cut off by the wall opening, and 3 cenobites entered the room. They were the same ones from when I opened the box.

"Your letting this mortal live to long." The female said.

"I'm letting her live because she is going to do what we do. I see potential in her. She has brought me one soul, now she can collect them." Pinhead bellowed. The female sighed and nodded. Pinhead looked frustrated. He looked as if he didn't want to see the others for a while.

"Now go back to work. Next time, it better be something important!" Pinhead boomed.

"Well, we need you for a little while, anyway." The female hissed. Pinhead slightly nodded. He turned to me, as if he were asking for permission to leave. I nodded. He left, the wall closing behind the 4 Cenobites. 'What can I do to keep myself company?' I asked myself. I got an idea, and called my friend, Trinity.


"Trin? It's Tori!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Oh, hey bestie! How's life been? Oh, before you answer that question, the club is hiring. We need a barista." She replied.

"I-I'm good. Let me think about the club, I don't know if I wanna be in that kind of environment at the moment. But anyway, how have you been?" I sighed.

"The usual. I'm pretty busy, I never get a break!" She answered giggling.

"Of course you don't." I grumbled.

"Gotta get goin. My shift starts here soon. Buh-bye!" She said as she hung up. I looked up at the clock. It was 1:41 in the afternoon. I hung up, and walked over to my couch, plopping myself onto it. I laid on the couch, questioning my life choices. After a little while, everything went black..

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