Chapter 39

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Victoria's POV:

I jolted awake, sweating like crazy. I don't know why. 'Are there to many blankets on my bed? Did I have a nightmare, yet I can't remember it?' I couldn't pinpoint it. I looked over to my side. Pinhead was there. I wanted to wake him up, yet I know how he gets when he's cranky. Scratch that, I couldn't even tell if he was asleep.

"Good morning, princess." Pinhead growled sleepily.

"Morning." I whispered. He quickly crawled on top of me, and started to roughly kiss my neck; sucking and biting at my skin. I covered my mouth with my hand to muffle any moans that would escape my mouth.

"I want to hear every noise you make." Pinhead mumbled as he snatched my hand away from my mouth.

"You're never like this...well, rarely.." I muttered.

"You just need punished is all, love." He growled seductively. I tried to hide my face; I was blushing uncontrollably. I was flustered.
"Don't cover your gorgeous face, my love. I want to see every move that you make." Pinhead whispered in my ear before he lifted up my shirt and started to kiss his way down to my bellybutton. His pins poked my stomach; drawing blood a few times.

"What did I do that was soo bad?" I surveyed.

"No questions, my dear." He grumbled in the midst of kissing my stomach.

He suddenly stopped. This made me eager for more. He looked up at me; a bit of lust evident in his beautiful, black eyes.


"Yes, my love?"

"...Just kiss me.."

He did exactly that. He moved up, and kissed my warm lips. He has never been like that...

"Baby, I'm worried that Merkova will cause more trouble." I blurted as his lips were pulled away from mine.

"You finally answered my question, hm?" He whispered. His hand slid down my pants and panties; his index and middle finger making their way down to my clit ever so slowly.

When his fingers reached my clit, he started to move his fingers in a circular motion. I gasped and moaned.

"M-more! P-pleasee, Pinhead!" I gasped.

"My name sounds so good coming out of your mouth..." Pinhead said in a seductive manner.

"P-pinhead! We-we need to do s-stuff today.." I gasped.

"We are doing stuff, darling." He chuckled.

"W-we can do t-this later!" I giggled as I grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand out of my pants.

"What do we have to do today that is so important?" Pinhead grumbled.

"We are slacking." I whispered. He frowned.

"There's tomorrow." He bellowed as he was about to kiss my neck again.

"Nooo!" I chuckled as I stopped him. "I need to bring you a soul today. At least one!"

"Fine." He mumbled.

"You're being very clingy this morning. Why?" I surveyed.

"I don't know...I am never like this.." he said, ashamed.

"..Here, how about we stay home, and be lazy all day." I offered. He slowly nodded.

Pinheads POV:

Why was I so...affectionate? Why couldn't I stop it? Why did I...enjoy it? I was in love with the girl, but I didn't acknowledge how much I loved her. I loved her more than I myself even knew. I haven't even told Leviathan about the engagement.


"Oh, sorry. I zoned out for a minute." I replied.

"I can see that." The girl scoffed.

"Sorry for being so...affectionate." I said sheepishly.

"Sorry?! There's no need to be sorry! It's just showing that you love me." She replied.

"I couldn't control myself. I'm glad you stopped me when you did." I continued. She didn't reply.

"I know what you're thinking."

"Then what am I thinking?" She whispered.

"That I don't actually love you. I am not used to being like this, Victoria. I do love you. Tell me what I must do to make that clearer than it already is." I snapped.

"I don't know what you have to do, Pinhead!" She scowled.

"Drop the attitude, child!"

"Make me!" She snarled through gritted teeth.

"That's it!" I boomed. "I have sheltered you from this kind of pain for far too long!"

A chain wrapped around the girls wrist. Another wrapped around her other wrist. The girl scowled.

Eventually, her whole body was wrapped up in chains. Her legs, her arms, and her waist.

"Stop it!" She screamed. A knot formed in my stomach. I'm a horrible fiancèe. I could never love a human. I could never love in general. Yet, why did I love Victoria so much?

The chains slithered away; letting the girl free from the chains grip on her figure.

"I'm sorry, Victoria. I am a horrible lover."

"Pinhead, you're not a horrible lover! I love you, I couldn't hate or dislike you, even if I tried!" Victoria choked through tears. I nodded.

"I don't mean to hurt you." I said softly.


"What is it, my dear?"

"I think Merkova is here..." Victoria said as she pointed to the window. I looked out the window to see Merkova. She looked outraged. She had a chain in hand, and she looked as if she wanted to burn the house down.

"OPEN UP!" She screamed as she pounded on the door. "I'M GONNA FUCK VICTORIA UP SO BAD, LET ME IN!"

"That lying prick!!" Victoria scowled as she ran out of the room into the living room.

"Do not answer the door! I will!" I bellowed. But, it was too late. She opened the door, and the chain in Merkova's hand went through Victoria's chest.

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