Chapter 5

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Chains dangled from the non-exsistant ceiling, some rusted, others not. The walls were stained with blood, and screams of agony can be heard.

I continued to follow him, fear coursing through my body. My body trembled.

"Now child, this is the Labyrinths. It is where us Cenobites reside, and where we take mortals like you who summon us. We torture then for eternity down here." He explained. I nodded, to afraid to speak. Many Cenobites roamed the Labyrinths. Some big,  small. Some large, some thin.

"Are you sure you want to help me in here, Victoria?" He turned to me as he asked the question. I nodded. He held out his hand. I slowly took it, as he led me through the Labyrinths.

I held his hand tightly, scared of the others that lingered.

"Do you have anything that you could wear that could..." he looks at my body figure. "Suit this job?" He questioned. I rolled my eyes.

"No, I don't go outside on a saturday morning in a leather suit or whatever and kills people that summon me with a puzzle box." Pinhead rolled his eyes and led me to a room where I could pick out my outfit.

I entered the room, only to be greeted by someone that I absolutely despised. My former friend.

"Hello, Tori. How have you been?" He asked. I didn't answer. I turned to Pinhead.

"Do I have to?" I asked. He nodded. I turned to my former friend. Her name was Kylie. She is an absolute bitch, and she thinks she is better than everyone. She walked over to me.

"You're lucky I'm giving you the best outfit, you little shit." She whispered in my ear. I nodded, anger boiling in my blood. I didn't want to stir up any drama. She closed the door, and handed my something that was leather. It seemed to be a dress of some sort, but I couldn't tell.

"Go try it on!" She said in a sassy and rude tone.

"I will!" I grumbled. This was going to be fun.

(Sorry this chapter is so short I'm kinda lazy today lol. Once again, I'm sorry it's so short)

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