Chapter 6

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(Disclaimer, the image is not me it is what I wear in this chapter! Anyway, enjoy!)

I went into the chaging room that was next to me. I unfolded the leather outfit. 'Holy shit!' I absolutely loved that fucking outfit. I tried it on. It was like a body suit. The straps were thick, because they were covering my breasts, and they connected at the back, resting on the back on my neck, along with a zipper so I could cover my flesh on my top lady parts when I wanted to. I stepped out of the changing room with my clothes from earlier in my arms.

"That suits you, I guess." Kylie claimed with a look of jealousy on her face.

"Hm. You guess. Well, I'll be on my way. How much do I owe ya?" I asked impatiently.

"I don't care what you pay me with even if it's nothing, just go." She snapped. I glared at her. 'What a bitch.'

I exited the room, closing the loud metal door behind me. Pinhead walked our from the shadows, taking a minute to remember that I'm well, me.

Pinheads POV:

I stare down at Victoria, admiring her thin, curvy body. I don't pay attention to her breasts. I'm not like that. I want to compliment her, but I don't want to seem weird to her.

I slip my hand into hers, and lead her to another room, which is her room. I didn't tell her that. She can find out if she chooses. Everyone in the Labyrinths has their own room to suffer in for eternity.

As we walk deeper into the big room, she squeezes my hand slightly.

"What's wrong, child?" I ask softly.

"Place is just a bit...unsettling. I mean, I don't mind it and all, but it's just so unnerving." She replied. I nodded slightly. I did have to agree with her. The smell and sight of blood sometimes got old, and the sound of screams made me burnt out. I enjoyed it, but it can get boring quickly once you're used to it.

"If you feel unsafe, we can go back to your house. We still start Monday. You'll start by bringing me one soul. But, other that that, you're my apprentice." I informed her. She nodded subtly.

Once again, I caught myself admiring her figure. The leather stuck to her skin so perfectly, and it seemed tight on her. She seemed like she didn't mind.

Victoria's POV:

"Hey, Pinhead!" I whistled. "My eyes are up here!" I said, pointing to my eyes.

"Oh, sorry. I wasn't looking at your, um, breasts. Just your..body figure." He admitted. I nodded. I didn't mind, honestly. I was flattered.

"I'm ready to go home. I want to do nothing for the rest of the day." I stated.  He nodded. We turned around and went back to my comfortable home.

"Child, I must return to the Labyrinths. I have things to take care of." He said.

"Why don't you keep my company? We should get to know each other better anyway, Pinboy." I replied. He sighed.

"I suppose. But once again, please don't call me that." He answered. I nodded. I got him a glass of water and set it on the coffee table as he sat down on the couch.

"I don't drink anything, child." He bellowed. I didn't respond.

I sat down next to him, turning on the T.V. I set down my clothes that I changed out of on the couch next to me, not bothering to put them away.

~Time skip~

I look over to Pinhead. He was smiling at a comedy that we were watching. He hasn't laughed at it yet, but he has said that some of it has been kind of funny.

I got tired, and I felt my eyes beginning to droop. I gently set my head on Pinheads shoulder.

"We haven't really talked much, child." He said. I nodded. I didn't care about anything but sleep at the moment. I closed my eyes, slowly drifting off into a nice deep sleep.

Before I fell asleep, I felt something kind of sharp on the top of my head, along with a kiss.

"Sleep, well, child. I'm here if you need anything." He whispered.

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