Chapter 32

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Third Person POV:

Elliot and Joey roamed the Labyrinth. Elliot showed Joey some of the rooms that had people being tortured in them, explaining why they were there. Elliot was a bit annoyed by Joey's presence. He just wanted to be with Victoria. He hated leaving her alone. Pinhead did, too.

Joey was deeply in love with Elliot. And, to make matters worse; she was in love with Pinhead, as well. But, she preferred to be around Elliot.

"Elliot, may I tell you something?" Joey asked nervously. Elliot didn't want to be around Joey any longer, but he remained calm.

"Go ahead." Elliot replied as he forced a smile.

"Elliot, I have been wanting to tell you this for a little while now...I've just been fighting the urge because I'm nervous about telling you, but...I'm in love with you." Joey uttered. Elliot wasn't phased by her confession. In fact, he didn't care. He was in love with Victoria.

"Joey, I'm in love with someone else. That girl that I was sitting next to on the mattress. She is my fiancèe." Elliot spoke sternly. Joey's expression dropped. She nervousness and happiness in her eyes faded. Elliot looked at the girl. Rage and sadness was evident in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Joey. But, that's just the truth." Elliot growled as he walked away from her. He made his way over to the room that Victoria resided in. He wrapped his fingers around the cold, brass doorknob, and turned it.

The door slowly creaked open. There was Victoria. She was just sitting there; tears slowly rolling down her cheeks, and she hadn't touched her food that Elliot brought to her earlier.

"My love, I'm so sorry for leaving you in here alone! That was rude and pathetic of me!" Elliot gasped as he rushed over to the girl.

"I'm fine." Victoria announced. Her sad expression changed into a happier one.

"I'm not going to spend time with Joey again. She annoys me and she is in love with me. I told her that I love you, and she just has to live with the truth." Elliot spoke. Victoria looked over to the sofa. She admired what she had done. Elliot looked over there, too. He slightly smirked at her work. The girl slowly stood up, and made her way over to the maroon sofa; pulling the hair of a girl. Victoria listened to the girls muffled screams. She let go of the girls hair; then grabbed her chin to make the petrified woman look her in the eyes. Her blue orbs pierced Victoria's with fear, anger, and confusion. Her curly brunette hair fell down to her shoulders. The woman howled in fear and frustration; tape covering her mouth, causing the cries to be muffled. Victoria looked over to Elliot; only for her eyes to meet Pinheads. He had a huge sinister grin on his pale face. His obsidian eyes penetrated Victoria's blue irises. The woman tied to the sofa struggled to free herself. Victoria put her mouth up to the womans ear as if she were to tell her something.

"I hope we can put this behind us, Kirsty."

(Sorru this chapter was kind of short I've been a bit busy today so I'm exhausted. I'm thinking about doing a bit of a face reveal. Let me know if I should!! I would most likely not show all of my face though)

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