Chapter 19

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~Time skip~
The next day

I awoke in my bed. The sun beamed in my eyes just before easing it's way behind a cloud. 'I should go back to the Labyrinths today. It's needed.' I let an inaudible sigh come out from in between my two lips.

"Are you ready to go back to the Labyrinths today?" Pinhead asked. I looked over to the corner of the room, to see Pinhead standing there. There was no emotion on his pinned face whatsoever.

"Yes. I was just thinking about that." I answered with a sigh.

"You will meet Leviathan today; my god. He is the God of Flesh, Hunger, and Desire." Pinhead bellowed.

"Cool! I'm honestly really excited! I'll get dressed then I'll be ready." I replied happily.

"Put on the leather outfit we gifted you. You must look like you are worth living." He said.

"Pinhead, are you forgetting I'm immortal?" I giggled. He rolled his eyes. "Why are you like, frustrated? Did I do something to make you throw this little, hussy fit or some shit?" I asked. I was surprisingly in a very good mood.

"No, it's not you. It's just Open-throat. She is getting on my nerves." He said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, I'm sorry she's being a little bit of a bitch, but it'll be ok, she'll stop soon." I giggled.

"Why are you in such a good mood this morning?" Pinhead asked suspiciously.

"I just am. I have my days where I wake up and I'm as happy as I could ever be, if not happier!" I responded like how a child would. "Don't worry, I'll be more calm when I meet Leviathan. You have nothing to worry about." I assured him.

~Time skip~
In the Labyrinths

I followed the pinned-faced male through many hallways and rooms that looked and felt strangely familiar. One room looked like my mother was in there. But, I ignored it. She kind of deserved it after everything she has put me, my aunt, and my grandmother through.

"Victoria, we're here." Pinhead said softly.

"Oh, yes sorry. I got caught up in my thoughts." I replied. I looked up, to see a big rotating silver diamond rhombus that looked as if it had been assembled from parts of a cube.

"This is him?" I asked.

"Yes. He has the power to create a Cenobite whenever he pleases. He could turn you into one if he wanted to." He answered. Black beams shot out of the rhombus.

"He doesn't usually talk. But, he does when he wants. Trust me, he knows all bout you. He knows everything about everyone. He has another form. When he does talk, he spits out Morse code." Pinhead explained.

"Interesting." I replied.

"Yes. Now, he is busy at the moment. So, you will train more today. You will focus on your powers." He bellowed. 'I didn't really meet Leviathan, but ok, I guess. I know who he is, now. That's all that matters.'

~Time Skip~

I stood before an empty Coca Cola can on a stool about seven feet away from me. I focused on it.

"You're doing very well, human." A thin woman commented. She had black hair that went to one side, wore what looked like a bra that was laced in the front,  and something that looked like panties but wasn't; it looked like it had fur or hair on it, and it stayed on her hips due to a chain wrapping around her hips, connecting to what she wore on her waist.She wore leather gloves, and she also had what looked like fur or hair on her elbows, and wore a skeletal horse-muzzel where her mouth and nose is. Kind of like a mask surgeons wear; but sinister. Her name was Merkova, I believe.

"Just focus. Focus on what angers you the most." She said calmly. She was attractive. I could see more than half of the Cenobites there in the Labyrinths falling in love with her. I wouldn't doubt it, anyway.

"You know, me and Hell Priest...we uh, had a little thing goin on between us. We were in love. But then he found you. I understand why he chose you. But, I'm jealous, dear human. I love him." She snarled. Anger boiled in my blood. Before I knew it, the can before me was as flat as a pancake.

"How is training going?" Pinhead asked as he opened the door.

"It's going well." Merkova answered calmly. "She's a natural."

"It's time to go, princess." Pinhead insisted. I nodded and pushed past Merkova to exit the room.

"Victoria, you did well. I want to know you better." She said as Pinhead and I left the room.

~Time skip~
Back at home

"I'm getting ready to go to the club to hang out with Trinity. You wanna go?" I asked. Pinhead narrowed his eyes, as if he were thinking.

"Perhaps I should go." He replied. I smiled in return.

"We can find people to bring back here or something. I'm yearning to see blood, and to see someone get torn apart tonight." I said seriously. I felt a sickening smile grow on my face.

"Yes...we shall bring someone back here tonight." He responded, slightly chuckling.

"Just get ready, Elliott. We have things to prepare for." I said as I planted a kiss onto his pale lips.

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