Chapter 30

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Victoria's POV:

Everything is dark. I don't feel anything. I see a light. I see my life. My past. The present. It's playing on repeat. Is this what being dead feels like?...

Pinheads POV:

"Victoria?! Victoria!" I tried shaking her. I can't lose her. I love her. I shook her again. Her eyes remained shut. 'I must take her to the Labyrinths.'

Third Person POV:

Pinhead picked up the girl; treating her body well. He made sure she would be comfortable in his arms if she woke up. He was worried. The girl was indeed immortal, but why wasn't she breathing? Why was she basically a lifeless body?

As Pinhead entered the Labyrinths, he rushed to the room that Victoria had woken up in after she had fainted. He opened the door, and was greeted by Angelique.

"What seems to be the problem, Hell Priest?" Angelique asked in a thick French accent.

"She isn't breathing!" Pinhead boomed. Angelique's eyes widened; worry flooding her eyes. She rushed over to the tall man, and took the girl out of his arms. She carefully set her down on the mattress that had a flat pillow and a thin blanket, and left the room. Pinhead waited patiently; yet his patience quickly faded.

A few minutes later, Angelique returned. She ran into the room with Victoria's good friend, Trinity.

"Oh my god! What happened?!" She shouted.

"I don't know...she had a vision and she fainted then she woke up here. I then took her home, and she was about to get some rest, and... she just stopped breathing." Pinhead explained nervously.

"Hey, we'll find a way to wake her up. I promise." Trinity assured the man. She held out her hands, and a slight breeze blew in her face as a dagger appeared. It fell into her hands. A green light swirled around the blade. She wrapped her fingers around the handle, and knelt down beside the lifeless girl. Trinity raised her arm; as if she were to stab Victoria.

"What are you doing?!" Pinhead shouted.

"It's a healing dagger. Just trust me!" She answered as she let her arm drop; allowing the dagger to plunge into Victoria's stomach. Green light swirled around the brunette girl as blood gushed  from her stomach. Immediately, she started breathing again. Pinhead and Angelique rushed over to the girl. Victoria's eyes slowly opened.

"W-where am I?" The girl muttered.

"My love, you are back in the Labyrinths. You were dead for a little while." Pinhead answered.

"What did you see?! Are you ok, Tori?!" Trinity surveyed the girl.

"I'm fine, Trin. I...I saw a light...and..I watched myself live my life again.." Victoria replied. She reached for the dagger to pull it out of her bloodied stomach; but Trinity stopped her.

"No! You can't take that out yet. You have to leave it right where it is for at least two days." Trinity commanded.

Victoria's POV:

I gave Trinity a slight nod. The dagger in my stomach didn't hurt; but it felt uncomfortable. I don't know for sure if I was actually dead; but it felt like it. Not like I have died before that experience; but it felt like I was dead.

"Darling, you will have to stay here until you recover." Pinhead said softly. I nodded. I wanted to argue; but that wouldn't do any good whatsoever.

"How is Victoria doing?" A husky voice questioned.

"Open-Throat?" I whispered-shouted.

"Ah. I see the girl used a healing dagger." She said as she turned to look at Trinity. "Victoria, you have a visitor that is on their way."

"Who?" I asked curiously.

"One of your old friends." She replied.

"Vicky?!" A female voice blurted. A blonde haired girl entered the room. She had blue eyes, and she was shorter than me. She wore a red sweater and blue jeans.


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