Chapter 2

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I stared at the...whatever they are. They looked from each other to me. The man with pins couldn't take his eyes off of me. We stood there in silence for a minute or two, before the pinned face man cleared his throat and spoke.

"So child, we shall start soon. I must go. Resume doing your daily needs. I shall return later on today." He bellowed. I nodded reluctantly. He and the three other...things headed for the wall. It opened up again.

"Wait! What exactly, are you guys?" I asked, a shakily. The man turned around.

"We are Cenobites. Demons to some, Angel's to others. Keep the box just how it is. Open. Never close it unless I order you to." He explained.

"O-ok. It will be open at all times. Just, come when you need. I'll be at work I get off at 4:00." I said a little fast. He nodded, then left. 'What the hell just happned?? How did that goddamn box summon...those...things?' So many thoughts danced around in my head. I tried brushing them off, and trudged to my closet. I picked out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, and an oversized hoodie that had the icon, Michael Myers on it. Where I worked, you could wear just about anything. Worker, or a costumer. I slipped on my converse shoes, grabbed my keys and my purse, and headed out the door to my car.

I put my car key into the ignition, and turned it.


It was one of my lucky days. My car sometimes doesn't start, so when that happens I have to walk. Or call in sick. I put my car into reverse, and started my journey to work.

~Time Skip~

I stood at the cash register, making sure I had all of the money was in the right spots. I glanced up at the clock. 3:58. We don't get much business on Fridays. Especially at the grocery store that I worked at. I worked at the Super 1. Boring, I know. But it was the only place that I could work at that pays good instead of Walmart. I grabbed my purse and my keys and left. I started up my car and I was on my way home. The thought of my bed soothed me.

'Shit!' That, Cenobite thing. I tried brushing off the thought, but it would fade from my mind. He will be waiting for me. I could mess up, and he could easily take my life within the snap of fingers.

I pulled into my driveway, not wanting to enter my own home. But, it had to be done. I dragged myself out of my car, walked up the stairs onto my porch, and went inside.

I set my things down on an end table by the arm of my coach, and headed to my room. I pushed open the door, to see no one. It was empty. I sit on my bed, picking up my tarot cards that I had used last night but refused to put away because I was too tired. I admired the purple case they remained in. The case had Jack and Sally from Tim Burton's, "The Nightmare Before Christmas" on it. The cards were in that theme, too.

"Ah, so you believe in tarot cards?" A voice beckoned. My head shot up. There was the man from earlier.

"Listen, Pinhead don't scare me like that! You want me to work with you, correct?" I teased. He rolled his eyes.

"Now child, we shall start Monday. You must bring the first soul to me. You will lure them anywhere of your choice that is private, of course. Keep the box with you at all times. Remember, keep it open." I stared down at his figure. I heard him, but I paid more attention to his body. What he was wearing. How he stood. How his arms were by his sides. He was so...perfect.

"Victoria!" I jumped, startled by his tiny outburst.

"Sorry. I uh, spaced out. I-it won't happen a-again." I stammered. I suck at a lot of things, but when it comes to speaking, I can't speak worth shit. Sometimes.

"Good. Now, I must go. I will return if needed." He said. Just like that, he was gone.

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