Chapter 16

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Elliott's POV:

"Victoria!" I exclaimed as I caught her. She didn't respond. I put pressure on her stomach, snatched one of the blankets that was at the end of the bed, and used that to absorb the blood gushing from the brunette girls stomach.

"Victoria, can you hear me?!" I whispered loudly. No response. 'Shit! She's unconscious!' I picked her up, and took her to the bathroom by the guest bedroom. I gently set her on the floor, making sure she would feel a bit comfortable if she woke up.

I ran into the living room and looked all over for a med-kit, but I had no luck. I looked in the guest bedroom, the bathroom that she was in, and had no luck.

I ran to her room, scanning it to see if there was a med-kit in sight. Luckly, I spotted one in her closet. I snatched it without thinking, and rushed back to the bathroom. I opened the med-kit, taking out some bandages. 'Elliott, you know better. See if she has a pulse first!' A voice in my head boomed. It was his voice. The side of myself that I had wanted to shut out, but couldn't.

I rushed over to the unconscious girl lying on the floor, and put my two fingers on her wrist. To my relief, she had a pulse. She was still alive. I knew she had Immortality, of course, because I'm the one who told her, but it still worried me.

~Time skip~
Victoria's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes. My vision was blurry. 'I can't see shit!' I tried looking around the room, but I couldn't see clearly. 'Where am I? It feels like I'm at home, but I'm not for sure...'

"My love! You're awake!" A voice exclaimed happily in a British accent.

"Where am I? Why is everything blurry? What day is it?!" I asked nervously.

"Its November fifth. You're in your room. You stabbed yourself to see if you really had Immortality, remember? I told you about your gift. You practiced using Telekinesis. Then, you stabbed yourself with no hesitation." He explained.

"Where's Pinhead?" I asked.

"Don't you remember? I'm him, just as a human." He answered. I quickly sat up, wincing at the pain in my stomach.

"That was foolish of me...I shouldn't have done that.." I choked back tears.

"Love, you learned your lesson. That's all that matters." He said calmly. Slowly, I started to regain my vision.

Elliott approached me, and grabbed my wrist.

"What are you doing?" I questioned. He didn't respond. He slowly lifted my hand, and placed it over my eyes.

"Just trust me." He whispered.

"Elliott, do you actually love me?" I surveyed. There was a long uncomfortable pause.

"Yes...yes I do..." He answered. "Anyway, when I take your hand away, you should be able to see fully again." He explained. He slowly took my hand away.

"Oh my god! I can see!" I exclaimed.

"You used the magic that you possess." He said.

"Shit! I have to go to work!" I jumped out of bed, and staggered to my closet.

"I advise you stay home, love." Elliott stated.

"No, I can't! I have bills to pay, you know?" I said a bit harshly. He rolled his eyes.

~Time skip~

I put a box of twinkies in a bag. 'I wonder if Pinhead has ever tried a twinkie.' I glanced up at the clock. It was 3:27 PM. I clocked out, grabbed my purse, and headed down into an aisle. I spotted the twinkies, snatched a box, and bought them.

I exited the store, hopping into my car. I put the keys into the ignition, and started my car.


The engine roared to life. I reversed the car, and headed home.

~At home~

I opened the door, exhausted and in pain from my day at work.

"How was work?" Pinhead said softly.

"Hi, Pinhead. It was the usual. Boring." I replied.

"What's in the bag?"

"Oh, let me show you." I pulled out the twinkies. He raised a non-existent eyebrow. "They're called, 'Twinkies.' You eat them. They're really damn good! You're gonna fuckin love them!" I exclaimed, a smile growing on my face.

He snatched the box out of my hands, opened it, and took out a twinkie. He opened the clear packaging, and took a bite.

" is it?" I asked curiously. He nodded, and let out a hum of satisfaction. He grabbed my chin, opened my mouth, and shoved the rest of the golden brown cake into my mouth.

I struggled to chew, but I managed. I swallowed, feeling some of the parts that I didn't chew all of the way slide down my throat. I got closer to Pinhead, and hugged him.

"I love you, Pinhead." I said sweetly.

"I love you, too, princess."

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