Chapter 21

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I felt my eyes slowly begin to open. I felt groggy. My head was pounding, and my body ached. I could hear what sounded like talking, but it was muffled. My vision was blurry, and there was a loud ringing in my ears.

"Why would you do such a thing, Merkova?!" A voice boomed. It sounded like Pinhead, but I couldn't quite tell due to my blurry vision and a slight ringing remaining in my ears.

"I still love you, Hell Priest! It kills me to know that you've moved on!" Merkova answered.

"You must let that go, Merkova. Life even in hell isn't always fair." Pinhead responded angrily.

"If you weren't here, I would end her life before she would even have a chance to fight back!" Merkova snarled.

"I'm immortal, dipshit. I even tested it myself by stabbing myself in the stomach." I growled.

"So, what did you see in your little vision?" She asked harshly.

"You are not destined to be with Pinhead. I am!" I shot back. She scowled in disbelief. Pinhead approached me, and held out his hand. I totally forgot that I had been on a dirty concrete floor. I took his hand, slowly standing up. As I stood up, I felt dizzy. Pinheads grip on my hand tightened.

"What did you see, my love?" Pinhead asked softly. Merkova glared at me. "What else did you see in your vision?"

"You and I were at a wedding. Merkova's wedding. She was getting married to Atkins." I replied blankly.

"Atkins?!" Merkova shouted. "Atkins?!?! There is no way in hell-"

"Calm down." Pinhead ordered. "We must get you home, Victoria."

~Time skip~
Pinheads POV:

I gently set Victoria on her bed. She was already asleep. It was 9:57 PM. I'm worried about her. Her Telekinetic abilities will tire her quickly, meaning that she won't be able to defend herself for that long if there is ever a bad situation. She has barely used her magic. But, what worries me the most is what her visions could possibly do to her. They could drive her to do things that could potentially harm herself.

~Time skip~ (cuz I'm lazy rn)

I sat in the navy blue chair that stood by Victoria's bed. I sat there, watching her open her eyes.

"Good morning. I got you some coffee." My deep voice echoed. It was like it bounced from wall to wall.

"Morning. You got me coffee?? Thanks. What time is it?" She mumbled.

"Anything for you, my beloved. It's 6:00 AM." I handed her the coffee. As her thin fingers wrapped around the cup, her head shot up. 'Of course...another vision.'

Her head dropped back down.

"What did you see princess?" I surveyed.

"I..I saw.." She carefully swung her legs off of the bed, her feet landing on the warm carpet.

"Let's just say that...there will be another Spencer in the family..." She choked. I raised a non-existent eyebrow.

"What do you mean, Victoria?" I asked softly.

"Pinhead..." She paused. I examined her. She looked excited, yet nervous. Some of the color in her face was drained.

"Pinhead...I'm pregnant."

(Sorry this chapter was so fuckin short I'm just kinda lazy rn so ya btw I'm gonna start working on a book about the grabber soon so look forward to that!)

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