Chapter 13

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I laid there, not able to fall asleep. 'So, does this mean that me and Pinhead are?...' I was cut off my Pinhead entering the room with a bowl and a glass of water.

"What's in the bowl?" I asked. I slowly sat up, allowing him to set the bowl in my lap. I looked down at the liquid that roamed freely in the bowl. It was soup. Steam rose from the soup, telling me that it was hot. My mouth watered at the sight of it. I was was so hungry, I hadn't even realized it.

Pinhead looked down at me, flashing me a look of disappointment. Guilt ran through my whole body. I regretted my actions, and I was mad at myself.

"I'm very disappointed, Victoria Carmean. That was very foolish of you to do. You should be ashamed of yourself." He said out of nowhere.

"I know, Pinhead. I'm not happy with myself, either. I learned my lesson." I grumbled. Pinhead nodded.

"I must go to the Labyrinths to check up on things. Stay here. I'll be back soon." He said heading for the wall.

~Time skip~

I sat up in my bed, drawing. I had nothing else to do. I couldn't walk into my living room to watch a movie due to how much pain I was in. I move my hands with agility, skillfully drawing Pinhead.

All of his features were embedded into my head. What he wore, his face shape, his eye color...everything...almost.

I peered out the window, examining the sky and the autumn leaves that blew away in the wind. The clouds roamed the sky, leaving some of it cloudless. Earlier I thought that the Labyrinth and this planet had at least a few things in common, but I soon realized that I was wrong. There's no blue sky there. The only thing that happened there is torture. But, I couldn't really compare the two a whole bunch, due to the fact that I haven't explored that much of the Labyrinth due to Pinhead being over protective. I wanted to get more work done, but things were in the way.

"How's that drawing of yours going, my love?" A voice beckoned out of nowhere. I flinched when I heard him.

"Holy shit! You scared me!" I exclaimed.

"Nothing, is holy about me, child." He replied. I rolled my eyes and went back to what I was doing.

"Darling, don't keep me waiting." He said.

"Oh, sorry. It's going well. You can't know what it is yet." I answered, trying my best to cover my artwork.

"Whatever you say." He sighed. I uncovered it and continued to work on the drawing. He looked around my room. He hasn't really payed attention to the decor or anything. A few minutes later, I finished the touch-ups, and made sure that it wasn't missing any details.

"Pinhead, I'm done you can see it now." I said softly. He walked over to the bed, and examined the drawing in my lap closely. His eyes widened as he picked it up to get a better look at it.

"You are very talented." He stated, handing me the drawing.

"Thanks. I've been practicing ever since I was little." I said taking the drawing from his hand. I remember being five years old, sitting on a sofa on my grandfather's lap, drawing. I was really close to my grandpa, until he groped me when I was twelve. My mom has always been close to him...a little, too mom and my my grandmother didn't really talk a whole lot. My mom always told my grandmother shit about her boyfriend. It was all about him and herself. When my grandma tried talking to my mom about how she felt, my mom would just yell at her and say shit like, "You don't know what your talking about," or "Everything you ever do or say is a fucking excuse!"

"What did you do while I was gone?" He questioned.

"Work on this." I replied, waving the drawing side to side. He didn't say anything to that.

"Did you eat anything?" He surveyed. I shook my head.

"I haven't had enough strength." I told him.

"You look tired. Get some sleep. When you wake up, I'll get you something to eat." He said. I nodded, and laid down.
As I was about to fall asleep, he said something that played on repeat in my head for a very long time.

"I love you, Victoria. Just know that."

(Hope y'all are likin it I'm trying as hard as I can to make this book good)

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