Chapter 12

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"Go away!" I hollered. I didn't want to be around him after what he did to me. I understand that he is just trying to protect me, but he didn't have to do that! He could've just talked to me!


"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!?!" I yelled.

"Just...let me in. I just want to talk." Pinhead answered softly. I didn't reply. To him, that meant, "Come in."

The door slowly creaked open, but Pinhead was nowhere to be seen. I didn't care like how I usually did at the moment. 'He's being a dick.' I let out an inaudible sigh.

"Pinhead, stop being a fucking dick!" I hollered. Nothing. "Elliott Spencer, I am done with your little hide and seek games, I am not in the mood, so get your ass back into this room!" I yelled in frustration.

He finally stepped into the room. He roughly grabbed my chin, his eyes pierced mine. He looked furious.

"Never, call me that name, child! There will be a few times where it is acceptable but right now is not one! And don't think I'm not mad about earlier anymore, because I still am!" His voice shook the entire house.

I forced myself out of his grasp, and went over to my closet, trying to find something to wear today as fast as I could.

"Why change? I want you to come back to the Labyrinths with me." He bellowed.

"Well, I still have work-"



"Honey, I have some devastating news." My mom choked through tears.

"Hey hey, what's wrong?! What happened?! Did grandpa drink and drive again?" I asked.

"No...i-it's your g-grandma..." My mom stammered. My eyes widened. 'No! She couldn't have...'

"No..." I mumbled.

"She passed away in her sleep last night..." My mom said.

"Thanks for telling me mom..." I said as a tear slowly made it's way down my cheek. I hung up, and headed to the fridge.

Pinheads POV:

I made my way into the living room to see how Victoria was doing, and to see what she was doing. I slowly walked into the kitchen. She was looking for something in her fridge, eventually finding a bottle of alcohol, setting it on the counter. She closed the fridge, popped the cap off of the bottle, and took a sip. She turned around, wrapped her thin arms around my waist, and started sobbing.

"My love, what seems to be the matter?" I questioned.

"My g-gramother p-assed away in h-her sleep last n-night... " she stammered.

"Ah, death devastates many people. It could be a loved one, or even someone that you may not have known. It's like a disease that won't stop spreading, only getting worse and worse. Everyone feels sad, no matter who has died." I stated. She slowly nodded.

"I promise, in the end, it will be ok. You have me." I said softly. She let go of me, snatched the bottle of alcohol off of the counter and sat on the couch.

I watched her take another sip of the alcohol. It worried me. I deeply care about this girl. She was doing good in life until her grandmother died. She just needed someone to talk to. A friend. A significant other. She went through some...stuff in her life, but when she was pushed to the ground, she always got back up and dusted herself off.

But, not this time.

~Time skip~

Victoria stood up, trying to stagger to her room.

"No, you are not walking to your room." I said as I picked her up bridal style.

"You-you look l-like my mom's-you look like my moms boyfriend." She mumbled incoherently, alcohol reeking in her breath.

"Victoria, you're drunk. You've had to much to drink tonight." I said as I carried her to her room and setting her down on her bed. I was frustrated with her. She called into work saying that she was "sick," just so she could drink to try and numb the pain. I tried stopping her earlier when I saw she was on her fourth bottle of alcohol, but she didn't listen to me. In total, she had drank seven.

Victoria's POV:

I looked up at the man that set me down on my bed. The world spinned, and my head started to hurt.

"T-thank you, s-sir." I mumbled. I was tired, and the more I payed attention to the spinning of my surroundings, the more everything spinned. My head started to hurt more and more.

"Go to sleep. It's getting late." The man said.

"Are you w-wearing a d-dress?" I giggled. He sighed, and tucked me in.

~The next morning~

I woke up with a pounding headache, and no memory whatsoever of the previous night. I slowly sat up, making the headache worse.

"Did you learn your lesson?" Pinhead asked. He was standing in my doorway.

"What happened?" I grumbled.

"You got drunk after hearing about your grandmother's death. It was pathetic of you to call your job saying that you're "sick," just to get drunk. I'm not happy with you." He bellowed.

"I know. I'm not even happy with myself. But now, I really have to call in sick." I said slowly swinging my legs off of my bed.

"I can do that. I will just say I'm your father. Just, get some more rest." He commanded. I nodded, and slowly repositioned myself.

I heard Pinhead say, "Hello" shortly after leaving my room.

"Victoria won't be able to make it into work again she is very sick. This is her boyfriend." He said. 'Boyfriend?!' He said that he would say he's my father! A few minutes later, he entered the room again.

"Is that what we are now? Are you my boyfriend now?" I surveyed. He narrowed his eyes.

"If you want to say that, then go ahead." He responded. I rolled my eyes, and laid back down.

"Now, do what I told you and get some rest. You need it." He said as he kissed my forehead and left the room.

Heart Of Hell (Book One)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin