Chapter 4

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I woke up at what felt like 1:00 in the morning. I looked at my clock beside my bed to see if my guess was right. was 2:47. 'I never wake up around this time...' I always wake up between 6:00 and 10:00 in the morning. I looked around the room, and saw that everything was normal. I thought that Pinhead would do some rearranging or some shit. Pinhead. Was I still laying on him? I turned around to see nothing. No Pinhead. Just my pillows.

"Pinhead? Are you still here?" I hollered. No response. I slowly laid back down. I was still terrified of him, but I tried my best to not show it.

'I'm off tomorrow. I should go to the gym. Or, I could just stay here at home and do nothing but watch horrible horror movies and comedies.' I thought. I decided to go with my second plan. I know it's good to get out of the house and exercise, but I just didn't want to. I have been working every day for almost 3 weeks, so it'll be nice to just sit at home, eat all day, take a nap when I wanted, and watch horrible movies. That's when Pinhead came to my mind.

He'll bother me off and on all day, and he would probably join me. Unless he has work to do or some shit like that. I'm not paying attention to what he does unless I choose to talk about it or if he brings up the topic. I won't be able to avoid it when Monday comes though. I'm basically becoming a murderer. All of these thoughts trotted around like deer in a forest searching for grass in winter. I started to look back on my life.

I remember meeting my hest friend, Trinity when I was about 7 years old. I haven't heard from her in a few days, but she's always busy. She comes into the store to grocery shop every weekend or so, and to say hi to me. My mother and father were divorced, but they are both doing really good. I don't speak to my dad. He has a fiancèe that's crazy. She has a 16 year old daughter, and her and my dad had a daughter together.

I hate my father. When I was only 3 years old, he left me at the local park all by myself. No other kids there. Just me. At least he came back 15 minutes later and picked me up. If he didn't, I would have lived off of eating woodchips and dirt, and by drinking water from a hose if I could've figured out how to turn it on.

I rolled onto my right side. I saw what looked like Pinhead, but it didn't at the same time.

"Pinhead?" I whispered. No response.
"Pinhead?!" I said like how I normally would. Again, nothing. I sat up and adjusted my eyes. He wasn't there. I laid back down, falling into a deep slumber.


I awoke to the sight of my light-brown curtain. I slowly sat up, uncovering my window to see what the weather was like. Clouds lingered the sky, no blue in sight. Rain drizzled down my window. Wind blew the autumn leaves away, making them dance away into the distance. I closed the curtains. I look around my room for any sign of Pinhead. There was none. I glance at my clock, and see that it's 7:23 in the morning. I peeled the blankets off of me, and trudged to my kitchen. I opened a cupboard and grabbed a mug, and got me a cup of warm coffee. I poured liquid creamer in, stirred it, and headed to my couch.

"How did you sleep?" A voice asked sternly. I spit out some of my coffee due to getting startled.

"I'm drinking coffee here, Pinboy." I replied. He stepped out of the darkness that remained in the hallway. He glared at me.

"Don't call me that, child. Now, how did you sleep?" His voice softened.

"I slept fine. Woke up at 2am but other than that, I slept..ok." I answered. He nodded.

"Good. You need as much sleep as possible, and you cannot mess up your sleep schedule. We cannot have you being sleep deprived on the job." He said. I nodded.

"Wait, what if instead of me leading souls to you, what if I work with you as if I were a Cenobite?" I asked. He narrowed his eyes.

"Perhaps, you would be good at it. But, the Labyrinths is a dangerous place for a human. Let me think about it." He bellowed. I nodded reluctantly.

I took another sip of my coffee. 'Great, Victoria. Getting yourself into trouble' I thought to myself.

"Follow me, child." He said. I set my coffee down on my coffee table, stood up, and followed the pinned faced male into my wall as it closed behind us.

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