Chapter 14

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I sat on my grandfather's lap, drawing what seemed to be my family. I reached for a crayon, but my hand was suddenly stopped. My grandpa had stopped me. He let go of my hand, allowing me to grab a crayon. His hands started to roam my little body, touching my breasts and sliding down to my inner thighs.

"Stop it!" I commanded. But he didn't. I pushed myself off of his lap, and ran to my mother

Mom! Mom! Grandpa touched me inappropriately!" I exclaimed. She looked down at me in shock, eyes wide. She stormed past me, making her way to my grandfather.

"You son of a bitch! You don't ever touch my daughter like that again or else I will beat your ass so fucking hard!" She screamed. I sat in a ball in the corner of the room, crying my eyes out.

I jolted awake, drenched in sweat. I sat there, panting and looking around for Pinhead. It was dark outside. I glanced at the clock. It was 10:03 PM.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Pinhead asked, approaching me.

"Yes, but it was also a memory." I answered.

"What kind of a memory?" He asked, raising a non-existent eyebrow.

"Well, it was uh, a memory of when my grandfather um...g-groped me." I replied. Anger flushed his face.

"It happened years ago, it's already taken care of it has been." I assured him. He slowly nodded, anger never leaving his eyes.

Pinheads POV:

'Why do I care so goddamn much? Why did I mean it when I told her I loved her?! This has never happened! It shouldn't be happening!' The thought of her grandfather doing such a thing made me strangely sick. I deeply care about her. I've never been so straight forward about my feelings in years.

"Are you going to hurt him? Is he going to have the same fate as that man that I brought to you?" She asked shakily.

"No. I'll let him live. But, if he touches you like that again, there will be consequences." I answered. She nodded with a subtle smirk on her face.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I feel better. I feel like I could bring you another soul tomorrow before I step up my game." She said confidently.

"Good. Now, get some rest." I replied.

"What if I don't want to?" She replied with sass in her tone.

"You need it, Victoria." The words escaped my mouth, sounding more harsh than I intended them to.

She rolled her eyes, and laid down. I bent down, and placed a kiss onto the top of her head.

"Get some sleep, my love. I'm here if you need anything." I whispered.

'Why did I mean that?'

I sat down in a tall, cushioned chair next to the bed that also had a table next to it with paper, pencils, and pens scattered on it's surface. I wanted to keep a close eye on her.

I unknowingly started to doze off in the navy blue chair, letting all of my thoughts drift away.

Before I knew it, I was asleep.

Victoria's POV:

I turned around to see Pinhead sound asleep in my navy blue chair that I sat in when I wanted to draw but not on my bed, hence why there is a table with paper, pens, and pencils next to it.

"Sleep well, Pinhead." I whispered as I myself, dozed off into a deep sleep.

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