Chapter 36

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Pinheads POV:

I stood on my beloveds porch; allowing her to nuzzle my chest. It was hard to say "no" to her, yet I still did. Only to protect her. She has been doing better, yet I was still worried about her. Immortal or not, she could still get badly hurt.

I have never even loved a human. Well, since I became what I am today. Kirsty...she was worth living, but she needed to be taken care of.

"I love you, Pinhead." She mumbled incoherently.

"I love you, too...babe." I replied. She let go of me.

"Did I just hear you call me 'babe?'" She asked suprised. I nodded slowly.
"I knew you would do it!" She squealed.

I picked her up bridal style, and carried her into the house.

"Darling, you must eat something." I said softly.

"I'm not really hungry, Pin." The girl muttered as I put her down.

"Eat." I demanded.

"Can you not be so controlling?" She questioned.

"I am just trying to think about what is best for you! You are my responsibility, now. I must look out for you and take care of you!" I boomed.

"Pinhead, I will eat, when I want to eat!" She hissed.

"Drop the attitude, child."

"No!" She scowled. I summoned a chain; making it wrap around the girls waist lifting her up into the air.

"You want to be like that, hm?" I bellowed.

"Don't make me-"

"Make you do what? You can't kill me. I am the definition of pain. I am forever." I replied.

"I wouldn't kill you, even if I could!" She growled. "I know I am nothing but a pathetic, childish adult who can't get her shit together and can't do anything right for once! All I ever do is cause trouble! You probably don't actually love me, and you probably don't even love the baby! You're just staying with me so I don't learn how to do this shit the hard way!" Victoria screamed. I didn't know how to respond. All of that was wrong.

"No, I love you! I love you, and the baby! I'm not leaving you because I feel something that I have never felt, and because I truly love you and the baby! I could never leave you. I never will. You're not pathetic. You're not childish, and you don't bring trouble everywhere you go. You make me proud. You make me feel...happy. I will never leave the family I am creating. I promise." I assured her. A tear made it's way down her cheek.

"I'm sorry, Pinhead.." She sniffled.

"There is nothing to he sorry about, my dear." I replied as the chain dissapeared; causing the girl to fall into my arms.


"I'll get it." Victoria grumbled as she wiped her cheek with her hand.

She walked over to the door, and wrapped her fingers around the metal doorknob; swinging it open. As the slight breeze made her hair fly back, and the sunlight shone on her face; the color drained from her face.

"Victoria? Who is it? What is wrong-"

"Hello, Hell Priest. Hello, Victoria." A female voice said sorrowfully.

"I thought you would be gone, by now!" Victoria hissed at the woman.

"Suprise!" She said sarcastically.

"What do you want, Merkova?!" I boomed angrily.

(Sorry this chapter was so short. I'm exhausted and I wanna be lazy for a bit :/ so yeah)

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