Chapter 31

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I tried standing up to hug Kayla, but I fell back down onto the mattress. 

"How are you bestie?! Other than...this." Kayla said.

"I'm doing just fine. I'm engaged and pregnant!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"No way! Who is the lucky man?" She giggled. I pointed to Pinhead. He walked over to the mattress, and sat down next to me.

"Oh." Kayla grumbled.

"We must give the girl her space. That goes for myself, as well." Pinhead sighed. My space?! I didn't want space! I wanted to be in Pinheads arms. I wanted him to tell me it would be alright. I wouldn't even care if he lectured me! I just wanted him to be by my side. Kayla, Trinity, and Angelique left the room; leaving me and Pinhead alone.

"I can't stay long, my dear." Pinhead bellowed.

"Why can't you stay with me? I don't want space right now! I just want you here with me..." I whined.

"I can stay if you want." He responded as he layed down next to me.

"Hey Pinhead...could I...could I have a kiss?" I whispered.

"You don't have to ask, my love." He said calmly. He placed a gentle kiss onto my soft lips. Then another. Then another. Then another; our tounges intertwining this time. His hand moved to my core, slowly running his fingertips along my figure. Pinhead quickly pulled away.

"Get some rest. I'll be right here until you fall asleep." He commanded. I closed my eyes. I felt weightless. Like, my body was levitating. Then everything went dark.

~Time skip~

I awoke what felt like hours later. My head rested on a hard, flat pillow. A blanket coated my thin body. I slowly sat up; adjusting my eyes to look around the room. I looked over to the sofa that stood in the corner of the dark room. Elliot?

"Elliot?" I asked.

"Oh. Good evening, my love." A voice said in a British accent.

"What time is it?" I surveyed. I studied the man. He wore a dark green button-up, and a green hat that he must've worn in the war.

"Time isn't really a thing here in the Labyrinth, sweetheart." Elliot said softly. He walked over to a table next to the sofa, and grabbed a tray. He walked out of the shadows; slowly walking over to the mattress that I resided on. He sat down beside me, setting the tray down in from of me. It had a bowl of soup, crackers, and toast on it. His gaze went from the food to the dagger that penetrated my stomach.

"What happened?" He questioned with a concerned expression on his face. I wrapped my fingers around the handle; yearning to take it out of my core.

"I died." I replied blankly. His eyes widened at my words. "I fainted due to a vision I had. It made me ill; causing me to die. My friend, Trinity stabbed me with a healing dagger. I can't take it out for at least two days." I continued.

"I'm glad you are ok, my love." He responded as he stroked my cheek with his fingertips. A tear trickled down my cheek. "It's ok, darling. I'm here. I always will be." He whispered.

Out of nowhere, a red-headed girl in a white nightgown that touched the floor barged into the room.

"Elliot!" She said relieved. Elliot's expression dropped.

"Joey?" Elliot gasped. The girl glared at me.

"Hello. I'm Joey." She said to me.

"Victoria." I replied; giving her a glare in return. Elliot saw my discomfort, and put a hand on my back.

"What's with the dagger?" Joey questioned curiously. 'Oh, so she can't keep her nose out of everyone's buisness?'

"Long story." I grumbled.

"Elliot, I have been wanting to find you forever!" Joey exclaimed.

"It is nice to see you again, Joey." Elliot said a little annoyed. I tried standing up, but I couldn't. I felt paralyzed. Joey walked up to me, and knelt down beside the hard mattress; wrapping her fingers around the handle of the dagger.

"I want to see if this dagger is the real reason why you're still alive." Joey whispered loudly as she twisted the dagger; pushing it deeper into my core.

"Then pull it out!" I snarled.

"As you wish!" She scowled as her grip on the dagger tightened and she yanked it out of my stomach. I felt weightless. Energy flowed out of my body. I felt fine; but I also felt...different.

"Joey, what have you done?!" Elliot cried. I looked over at him.

"I'm fine." I giggled. He let out a sigh of relief. His eyes studied mine for a moment.

"Victoria, I must leave with Joey. I shall return as soon as possible. I promise." Elliot said as he quickly placed a kiss onto my lips. He stood up, and left the room with Joey.

I couldn't help but cry. I couldn't hold back the tears that wanted to cascade down my cheeks. 'I'm gonna lose him...he's gonna run off with that bitch Joey!' I looked down at the tray. I wasn't hungry anymore. I looked at my finger; studying the ring that fit so perfectly on my finger. It made me cry harder. 'He's gonna leave me...he'll be gone before I can even have a vision about it!' I covered my face with my hands. I cried harder, and harder, until I eventually fell back into a deep sleep.

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