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Trying my hardest to avoid the downpour of this horrific mid-march afternoon, I lean my whole body against the large oak doors and rapidly knock. Ensuring to press the bell at least five times, too, in hopes it'll make any of the lovely residents inside annoyed enough that they'll open the door quicker.

I can hear heavy thudding footsteps echoing against the wooden floor, the steps getting closer and closer to the entrance, though, still not as quickly as I'd hoped for.


The door swings open, almost slamming against the wall at the sheer force, revealing one very pissed off looking twin with a headset over his ears and Xbox controller in hand.

"What?" The teenager all but huffs. Whichever twin it is then takes the time to actually look at who he's greeting, his face quickly morphing from pissed to confused. "Charlie?" He mumbles something into his headset before pulling it off, allowing it to fall around his nape. "What are you doing here? Is Leo okay?"

I squint my eyes at him, trying my hardest to work out which freaking one he is. After knowing these kids for two whole years you'd think I'd be able tell them apart by now, but no. Based on his rude attitude in the beginning, I'd have to guess that this is Kaden rather than Killian.

"Kade," I say slowly, internally patting myself on the back when he doesn't correct me. "Can I come in? It's freezing and I don't wanna get wet." I gesture to the rain with an outstretched palm.

Kaden wordlessly steps aside, allowing for me to enter the house.

Knowing they're no doubt caked in dirt, I slip off my shoes and set them on the shoe rack, my damp coat swiftly following as I hang it on one of the many free hooks before I shake my head like a dog, allowing water to splash everywhere.


"ZAC, GREY!" Kaden yells, startling me. "CHARLIE'S HERE!"

He doesn't wait for any response from them, or say anything to me before slipping his headset back on and heading to the staircase, leaving me stranded in the hallway.

"Rude." I mumble to myself, running my hands through the dripping strands of my blonde hair.

I wait for what feels like an hour but in reality is maybe twenty seconds before I get bored. Deciding that someone as pretty as me shouldn't be left waiting so long, I take myself to the kitchen in hopes of finding a nice, refreshing beverage.

My damp socks glide across the wooden hallway flooring. I smile to myself, shuffling like a five year old as I try to get the best slip in my step.

Thankfully, when I enter the kitchen it's empty, meaning no one witnessed my trip at the end of my, almost mesmerising, spin as my foot catches on the small wooden beam separating the wooden hallway flooring from the bright white tilted kitchen floor.

Steadying myself by placing my hands on the marble countertop, I then help myself to the contents of the fridge and freezer, pulling out the supplies I need; coffee, ice, creamer, before proceeding to make myself an iced coffee.

Maybe a hot coffee would've been wiser-

"Help yourself why don't you." I hear Grey say from behind me.

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