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After that yellow b*tch ran off crying,I continued kissing my bf. "Wanna go home?"He nodded. I picked him up and ran like the f***ing flash back home. Me and Colin shared a home. I set him down once we got there. "Let's get to bed..eh?" He nodded and walked with me to bed. I laid down And he laid down next to me and hugged me then snuggled into my chest. I blushed and wrapped my arms around him. I slowly drifted off to sleep.
I walk into my classroom. Everyone is sitting there with a smirk on their face. "What is everyone smirking about?" I ask. "Oh nothing...we were just thinking about how great Mr.Colin is." The duck said smirking. "Okay..?" I said. "Yeah we all like mr.Colin. Do u like Mr.Colin,Mr.tony?" The red one said. I felt my face heat up. "N-No I don't." I said. "So when are the children coming?" That stupid yellow sh*t asked. "WE ARE NOT HAVING KIDS!!" I screamed. I was obviously bright red. The whole class giggled. I wanted to rip their vocal chords out of their little throats."THATS IT!" I grabbed the yellow shit by the color and opened the window. "MR.TONY NOOOOO!" Him and the whole class screamed. I dropped the yellow sh*t out of the window. We were on the 2nd floor lmao. Everyone looked out the window and he had some bones sticking out of his skin. I closed the window. I looked at the now traumatized looking kids. "Aright let's begin the lesson: I said.
All the kids left and I was sitting in my room alone. They would be in colins classroom rn. I walked there and stuck my head in-front of the doorway. Luckily no one saw me. "MR.COLIN!!!UR BF THREW DOI OUT THE WINDOW AGAIN!!!"the green duck screamed. "AGAIN?! Wait...BF?!?!?! Colin yelled. He was flustered. "OOOOOOO" the whole class said. I walked in there and glared at all the children. They all shut up right away. I looked at Colin then picked him up over my shoulder.  He squeaked from this. All the students were smirking.  "Have fun lovebirds~" the red one said. I took Colin back home because f**k school. I set him down and kissed him. He smiled and hugged me.

Word count:412)

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