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Me,colin,paidge,steve,shrignold,lani,and larry are all sitting on the floor in a circle playing truth or dare. "Hmmmm...colin,truth or dare?" Larry asked. "Ummmm...dare." He says.  "Alright...i dare u to do the pockey challenge with the person next to u!" I was on his left side,and Lani was on his right. Lani smirked. "So,who are u gonna pick? Me or him?" She said smugly. "THE HELL ARE U TRYING TO SAY?!" i screamed at her. colin gently put a hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. He turned towards lani. "You seriously think that i would even CONSIDER choosing you over my husband? you must really be full of yourself. And i hate to break it to ya,but NO ONE is gonna want to date u with this smug little act you have going on. No one thinks its cute,no one thinks its hot,and you CLEARLY dont know how to take a hint. I have rejected you MULTIPLE times and u still flirt with me. Cant u see that i dont like u and i never will? Even if me and tony break up,guess what? IM GAY. So you can shut ur wannabee regina george a$$ up before i make u eat nails. Also,ur voice is literally so annoying. I wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt even ur real voice,and u were just faking it to be 'cute'. And look at your cheap hair extensions. It literally looks like you taped hay to ur head. Not to mention the fact that ur makeup looks like it was done by u blind gorilla. SO...leave me AND my husband alone,or ill RIP YOUR THROAT OUT!!!" colin crossed his arms and sat back while the room just silently stared at him. Lani had tears in her eyes. She got up and ran away sobbing. "DAMNNNN COLIN!" Larry said shocked. "Its not that often that we see you be all badass like that!" steve said.  "YEAH,IT WAS HOT." larry said. i shot him daggers with my eyes. "N-Not trying to flirt,Tones! But u HAVE to admit it!" "Hm...i guess i did find it rather attractive." i say as i blush. colin looks at me and also blushes. He lays his head on my lap and i blush even more. i gently run my fingers through his hair.

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