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ok,so i love colin. Like a LOT. And i even sometimes refer to him as my husband in my head. Sadly,we are just boyfriends. BUT...i plan to change that tonight. You see,i have been working up the courage to propose to him for a while now. But im also kinda i decided to make a pros and cons list about him.


PROS: Hes cute,i love him,hes a good listener,he has soft skin,hes warm,hes nice,hes funny,hes short(cuz i can tease him about it),he has pretty eyes,he has fluffy hair,he looks good in literally so D*mn pretty... he is good at comforting people,he is an AMAZING kisser,he has REALLY soft lips,he has a nice smile,he gets flustered easy,he has a good sense of fashion,he is fun to talk to,he gives good hugs,and smells good.

CONS: He is way stronger then he looks. he would never hurt ME of course,but he beat up larry to the point of him getting a bloody lip and nose and being knocked unconsious.


I finished writing and realized i had WAYYYYY more pros then cons. Huh,i guess he IS perfect.(in my opinion,anyways.) I walked downstairs to see colin sitting on the couch on his phone. "Hey,babe~" i said. He looked up and instantly smiled when he saw me. "Tony!!!" he said as he jumped up and hugged me as his tail wagged. I swear,i literally thought i was going to melt into a steaming puddle of love and affection. I kissed the top of his head. "Erm..i was wondering if you wanted to go to the park?" I asked. "Sure,hun!" He said and gave me a peck on the cheek. I gently grabbed his hand as we walked to the park. I led him under a tree. "Hey colin,u know what this tree is?" i asked. He shook his head no. "This..this is the tree we had our first kiss at."I said with a smile and blushed a bit. Colins eyes lit up as he blushed. "And...i want us to have our last kiss as boyfriends here." i said. he looked confused. I pulled him in and kissed him. he kissed back and i broke the kiss. "i dont wanna be ur boyfriend anymore." i said. he looked shocked. "W-What..?" He said. "well.." i began. i got down on one knee and pulled out a black velvet box. "i want to be ur husband instead." His eyes widened and lit up as a small blush crept up on his face. he slowly put his hand over his mouth. "So,colin..." i opened the black box to show a beautiful ring. "Will u marry me?" He stood there for a second...processing what just happened. "Oh my gosh...YES! YES! YEA I DO!" He screamed as he jumped into my arms and wrapped his around me. I wrapped my arms around him tightly. I had the biggest smile on my face as i slipped the ring onto his finger and kissed him.

DIGITALTIME ONESHOTS!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora