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i sit on the couch,on my phone. i am scrolling through insta and sitting next to paidge,when i look up and see colin talking to doi. I see his pretty face and..i just cant look away. i am mesmerized by him. his features are literally perfect. i could just imagine me and him cuddling on the couch by the fireplace with a blanket wrapped around us. And i can listen to the peaceful sound of his heartbeat and feel the warm touch of his skin. I smiled and blushed as i continued to stare at him and daydream. "Tonyyy? TONY!" paidge yelled. i jolted back to reality. "WHAT THE- PAIDGE?!" i scream.  she smirks. "u have been staring at him for like 5 minutes now. idk how he hasnt noticed!" i blush. "WHATEVER!"i yell. "dude...ur literally obsessed with him! SIMP!" she says. "I AM NOT A SIMP!!!" "hmmm...then prove it." she says. "how?" i ask.  she pulls me up and grabs my arm. she walks over to colin and grabs his arm too. she shoves us both in the little storage closet. "now, i challenge u to not kiss him!" she says as she closes the door. i turn on the light so we are not standing in the dark. the closet was fairly small,so our bodies were only a few inches away from each other. "why did she lock us in here..?" colin asks. "idk,something about me proving that im not a simp...CAUSE IM NOT!" i say. he nods. after a few seconds,i start to get bored,so i start staring at him again. his little ski slope button nose is so cute! And his eyes are beautiful. my eyes wander down to his lips. they look so soft..and warm. i was having an intense urge to pull him in and kiss him. i want to put my hands around his waist. "Tony? U ok?" his voice cut through my thoughts. even his voice is attractive. i subconsciously gently grab his waist and pull him closer to me. our chests were touching. he blushed. i lean in and feel our lips touch. a shot of adrenaline rushed through my body. he put his hands on my shoulders and kissed back. i smile into the kiss. just then the door swings open. paidge is standing there. "HA!" he says. "OH,SHUT IT!"

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