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I am in the living room, yelling at doi. Cause he is being annoying. "TONYYY DID U GO TO JAIL WHEN U WERE YOUNGER?" He shouted. "Yeah? What about it?" I say with an annoyed sigh. "WHAT WERE U IN FOR?!" He yelled. "NONE OF UR BUSINESS, U LITTLE MINION!" I shouted. Then doi started crying. Paidge ran in. "Can u STOP Making this kid cry?" She said as she comforted doi. I Storm angrily back to my room. DOI is the one that started it! Not ME! I walk in and see Colin laying on our bed on his stomach. He is on his phone. I can't help but softly smile at the sight of him. He looks up and sees me. He jumped up and ran over to me and hugged me. "Babe!!" He said excitedly. I smile and let his hair. "Hey, honey." I say as I stroke my hand through his soft hair. His tail starts wagging as he nuzzles the side of  his face Into my chest. Just then, paidge walked by. "Looks like Tony has a soft spot~" she said while smirking. I shot her a death glare before turning back to my adorable husband.

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