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I was sitting on the couch,reading a book. Just then,I hear Colin say my name. "Hey,tony." I look up. As soon a I see him, he leans down,grabs my face,pulls me in,and kisses me. Then he ran away. It all happened so fast,that I was just frozen there. I was also blushing. I guess I'll have to get revenge on him.


I see Colin standing in the kitchen,talking to paidge. I smirk evilly. I walk up behind him..AND PICK HIM UP OVER MY SHOULDER. "AH! WHAT THE-..TONY?! WHY ARE YO-"  "shh..this is revenge for earlier." I say. I set him down on the couch and kiss him. He kisses back. After 3 seconds,I break the kiss and wrap my arms around him. I lay down on the couch on my back and pull him to where he is laying on his stomach on top of me. His head is laying on my chest. I can tell he's blushing like crazy. "Heh..you look cute." I say with a smile. I gently run my fingers though his hair. "Hehe..I love youuuu." He says. I blush even more. "I love u more~" I say. "I have something that I've thought about you ever since I met you.." he says. I smirk. "Oh really?
And what's that?" He giggles a bit. " it's that u look really hot with messy hair." He says. I blush a lot. "Aww but have u SEEN yourself with wet hair?" "Aww stop,ur making me blush!"  He says with a smile in his voice. I smile too.

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