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I hold colins hand as we enter the front gates to the fair. His eyes are sparkling,and I can't help but blush a little. "You like what u see,love?" He nodded excitedly. "Yeah!" He said with a smile on his face. I smirk and put a hand around his waist. We walk up to that one booth where u get wristbands. Although there was an old couple in-front of us. There was a man and a woman,and they looked at least 70. "WHY DONT WE GET A SENIORS DISCOUNT,D*MNIT!" The old lady yelled. "MAAM NO ONE CARES THAT UR OLD!LIFE IS HARD FOR EVERYONE!" The guy in the booth yelled. "GET MY POOKY BEAR WHAT SHE WANTS!" The old guy yelled. "YOUR POOKY BEAR LOOKS LIKE SHE COULD DROP DEAD AT ANY SECOND!"  Just then,the old lady screamed. Then she fell to the ground. The man crouched down and gave her cpr. Everyone just kinda looked at her in silence for a second. "Next." The guy in the booth said. Me and Colin walked over the corpse. "2 wrist bands please!" I said. "Alright it's 7000000000$." I paid him and he put the bands on us. Me and Colin walked off. "So babe,what ride do u wanna ride first?" I asked while holding his hand. "Hmm...THE FERIS WHEEL!" He said excitedly. I chuckled a little. "Sure thing love." We got in line. Although it was quite long. I picked Colin up over my shoulder. (DOES TONY EVEN HAVE SHOULDERS?!😭) I shoved past everyone like I was a f*cking football player. Anyways,we got on the Ferris wheel. I held his hand as he looked at the view. His eyes were sparkling. I smile. I cup a hand around his waist. I put the other on his cheek. He turned his head and looked at me. A question mark appears on his monitor. I kiss him gently. He kisses back. I pull away and look him in the eyes. I smile and hug him. He snuggles up to me. Also,the old lady died lol

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