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Me and Colin are in my room. I asked him out less than an hour ago and he said yes!!! Anyways,we were playing video games the whole time and now it was 10:00 at night. "Well,we better go to bed now. It's pretty late!" I say with a smile. " I suppose ur right. Goodnight tony!" Colin says as he gets up and starts to walk to the door. "Hey..where are u going?" I ask. He turns his head towards me with a confused look. " room? To sleep?" He says with confusion in his voice. "Well...since we're a couple now I was wondering if maybe u would like to share a bed..?" I say while blushing. He blushed. "O-Oh um....sure!" He says with a nervous smile. "Alright!" I say with an enthusiastic smile. I get under the covers and signal him to come. He hesitantly lays down at the other side of the bed.Luckily my bed is queen sized so it easily fit both of us. We were laying on opposite sides of the bed and facing each other. I wanted nothing more then to cuddle him. "How come ur all the way over there..?" I ask. "But...don't u want room?" He asks. "Hmm..." I say. He looks confused. With one swift movement, I pull him closer. His face is buried in my chest. I can tell he's blushing even tho I can't see his face. "Mmm...much better." I say as I wrap my arms around him.
I was frozen in shock. I was trying to process what just happened. I could feel myself blush. My was buried in Tonys chest. His arms are wrapped around me. After a few more seconds,I relax and melt into his touch. It's weird..normally I hate being touched but...this is different. I feel safe in his arms. Like I couldn't get hurt if he was with me. I smiled softly. He hugged a bit tighter. "Hey..are u ok?" I hear him ask. "Mm.." I say. I was falling asleep. "What?" He says. "Ya know...normally I'm absolutely terrified of being touched but-" "OMG UR SCARED OF BEING TOUCHED?! IM SO SORRY!" He says as he begins to let go of me. I quickly grab his arm. "No,No it's ok! I was gonna say..this feels nice. You make me feel safe." I say with a soft smile. He wraps his arms back around me. "Heh..." I hear him say. He kisses the top of my head. Eventually,I fall asleep.
I can't believe he said that! I felt so bad when he said he was scared of being touched but then..he said that. I blushed just thinking about it. He feels safe in my arms..! I smile softly. He was asleep now. His fluffy hair lightly grazed my chin. I kissed the top of his head again. Just then,paidge came in. "TONY DID YO-" I quickly put my finger to my lips and give her a death stare. She looks down and notices Colin. She smirks. "Oh,I'll leave you be.~" she says as she walks out of the room and closes the door. I sigh,annoyed. Even though she was my best friend,she can be annoying. I look down at Colin. Luckily paidge didn't wake him up. I smile and hug him tighter.

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