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Me and Colin are holding hands and going for a walk. Suddenly,an old woman steps in front of us. We try to walk past her,but she blocks our way. "Can we help you,miss?" Colin asks. The lady glares at us. She fixates her eyes on me. "Well,you're rather freaky looking. I mean seriously,LIGHT BLUE SKIN? How ridiculous." She says. I give her a glare,but I see that Colin is PISSED. He laughs slightly,but it wasn't a friendly kind of laugh. "FIRST OF ALL,he is VERY handsome and his skin is pretty. SECOND OF ALL,you have NO room to be talking when you have those crusty ass lips."Colin says with an eye roll. The lady looked appalled. "Listen here,young man,I will fight you with no hesitation right here on the sidewalk!" She exclaimed. Colin shrugged. "Come at me,b*tch." He says with a sly smirk. The old lady throws her fist at him,but Colin catches it. He then throws it over her head and she falls to the ground. "Come on!" He says as he grabs my hand and starts running. I am stumbling behind him. When we are far away from the old lady,Colin looks me in the eyes. "Are u okay?" He asks concerned. I smile and nod. "Yes,babe. U didnt need to stick up for me like that ya know." I say as I gently hold his face in my hands. Colin blushes a bit. I know,but I wanted to!" He pouts. I chuckle a bit. "Oh,I love you,Colin!" I say as I stare into his beautiful eyes. Colin giggles a bit. "I love you too,Tony!"  

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