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I wake up in the middle of the night randomly. i check the time. 2:49. I sigh. then..i hear someone crying. I look over and see that colin is crying and looking at his phone. "BABY! WHATS WRONG?!" i say,concerned. He looks at me. "Someone commented something on one of my videos.." he says with tears in his eyes. "can i see..?" i ask. he hands the phone to me and i look at it. There is not a single negative comment. i look at the phone,confused. "uh..babe,why are u crying..? these are  nice comments!" i say. "I know..THATS WHY IM CRYING!" colin says as he jumps into my arms and sobs into my shirt. I gently run my hand through his hair. "how come ur crying over nice comments,hm?" i say. he looks up at me. "B-Because i dont deserve any of them!! They are too kind!!" i gasp softly. "no,no,no,baby! you DO deserve the kind comments! u deserve the world!" i say as i gently rub circles into his back. he shakes his head. "NO! I-I dont deserve them,or u..or anything!" he says as he hugs tighter. i run my hand down his back. "Shhh..u deserve everything. u are so precious." i say with a smile as i blush slightly. i could tell he blushed a bit too. he looks up at me. I lean in and give him a kiss on the forehead. he giggles a bit and kisses my forehead as well. i smile at him as i hold him close.

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