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Me and Colin are having a date night tonight! We decided to see the new Saw movie! Although I was a bit nervous,I wanted to act tough in front of my husband. I have it all planned out. First,I would try to not look grossed out during the whole movie. Then,Colin will notice how brave I am. And finally,once we get out of the theater,he is so swooned over my manliness that he gives me a kiss! Once we pull into the parking lot of the  movie theater,Colin turns to me and looks me dead in the eyes. "Are u SURE u want to see this,hun? I know you don't really like horror movies." He says. I smirk confidently. "I'll be fine,dear." I say as we both hop out of the car.  We head into the theater and we sit down next to each other. I hold Colin's hand and smile at him. He smiles back at me and lays his head on my shoulder. I lay my head on top of his. After about 10 minutes of previews,the movie starts. It seemed pretty chill so far..until it got to the first trap. This guy had to break all of his fingers,or he would die. Well,he didn't break them all in time,cuz his eyes got sucked out of his head. I stared in shock and horror,while Colin had a soft smile on his face. About 2 hours later,the movie was over. We both stand up and walk out of the building. "That movie was so good! The blood was so realistic!" Colin says as we walk back to our car. "I- Um-..Yeah! It was so good..!" I say with a nervous smile. "Hun,I could see u were scared while watching it." I am silent for a second. "" I was interrupted by Colin putting his lips onto mine. I freeze,because I was NOT expecting that. I put my hands on his waist and kissed him back deeply. We break the kiss,both heavily blushing. I can't help but smile as his pretty green and red eyes stare into mine. 

(Okay,so I watched Saw X last week,AND IT'S SO GOOD! YAYAYAYAYAY!)

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