Tony..I love u..(PART 4)

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I was shocked. Would his mom seriously do that..? To her own son?! Sure,she has done a lot of messed up sh*t to him,but trying to KILL HIM? Wow. "Oh,Baby.." I Said as i pulled him closer.


Me and Colin are watching tv together on the couch. Just then,the words BREAKING NEWS Appear on the screen. It flashes to a news man sitting at a table. "We interrupt this program with some breaking news." An image of Colins mom appears on the screen. "50 year old,Marissa keys was charged with attempted murder,on her own 24 year old son. She is serving 40 years in prison without the possibility of parole." Colin gasped slightly and looked down at the ground. I gasped slightly as well. He stared crying and hugged onto me.  I wrapped my arms around him and gently ran my hand through his hair. I can't even imagine the pain he must feel...the person who was meant to love and take care of him tried to end his life. "It's ok,honey.." i say as I gently rub circles into his back. Then I got an idea. "Come on,honey.."I say as I gently stand up and take him with me. He looks confused. I lead him to the car and we start driving. I pull into the prison and turn back to look at him. "Stay in the car,ok sweetie? I'll be right back." I say. He nods. I go in the prison and find Colins moms's cell. I walk up to it. "Hey." I say. She looks at me disgusted. "What do u want?" She says. "Come here." I say. She rolls her eyes and walks closer. "Wha-" I reach my hands through the bars and grab her by her collar. She looks shocked. "What the heck?!" She yells. I was heavily breathing. I pull my arms back and her face slams against the cell bars. She screams and her nose starts bleeding. I let go of her collar and she falls to the ground and looks up at me looking scared. "Y-You psycho!!" She yells. " call ME the psycho? ME?! YOU PUT NOTHING BUT PAIN AND SADNESS ON THAT POOR BOY FOR HIS WHOLE LIFE! YOU HURT HIM OVER AND OVER AGAIN U EVEN TRIED TO KILL HIM! YOURE HIS MOM! ALLS HE EVER WANTED WAS FOR U TO LOVE HIM! BUT U NEVER DID! U TREATED HIM LIKE SH*T!! U WERE MEANT TO LOVE AND PROTECT BUT U FAILED! UR THE ONLY PSYCHO HERE!!" I screamed. She looked shocked. I turned away. "And don't u EVER talk to,or lay a finger on him again." I walked back to the car and got in. "Hey ton-" Colin said but I interrupted him by putting a hand on his cheek and leaning in and kissing him. He put his hands on my shoulders and kissed back. I break the kiss and look into his eyes. God,he was so beautiful. I hugged him. Growing up,he's never had anyone who has shown him love. I'm the first one who ever has..! I smile softly.

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