•Chapter 36•

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Nightmare (Ghost) POV

Nightmare followed Cross. Well, the Cross of Dreamswap. Not Onyx.

This was getting confusing. Who was his alternate? What would he look like?

Nightmare absentmindedly thought to himself as he floated after Cross, who was traveling through a forest. He has to figure out how to introduce himself to Cross and the others... if the others except Cross could see him anyways...

He hopes everything works out.

After half an hour of following, Cross stopped in front of a cottage. Small and cozy, in the middle of a forest, with Christmas lights on it. Cross knocked on the door with a series of different knocks, some fast, some slow, etc.

There was some clammer around the small cottage, and then the door was opened, and Nightmare watched as they all exchanged greetings and smiled.

Nightmare wasn't going to do anything right now except listen. Gouge when the right time to approach the others would be. As he phased through the cottage walls, he made extra effort to stay out of everyone's sight, those who could see him and couldn't (Just in case).

"Bro! Awesome! You finally got the food! Me and Error were starving!" other him spoke first.

Nightmare looked over the others, looking over their appearances and seeing how similar they were to the others. For now, other him, which he will refer to as Night, had purple eyes like his eye lights and a moon staff that had been summoned and unsummoned earlier. He had back hair and had the crown on him.

"Yeah, what took you so long, Cross? And do you have the coffee I asked for?" Asked Error, sifting through the bags.

Error had the same blue streaks going down his cheeks and mismatched eyes with comfortable clothing. Cross... was like Cross (Onyx) except with skin. Same clothes and scar, except the scar went down to the bottom of his cheek instead of being a zigzag like Onyx's.

"I bumped into a problem along the way," Cross sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, "Almost got found out, but something strange happened," he continued, and Nightmare listened into the conversation quietly, "I had a tussle with some strangers, and we bumped into each other, but the thing is, is that there was this skeleton monster there with this human girl," he traced the scar on his cheek, "The skeleton had the small scar on his cheek except is was horizontal (Went from left to right) and was a zigzag. When I looked at him, I felt like I've known him for a very long time and like he was a stranger to me at the same time."

"Stop tripping," Night scoffs, rolling his eyes as he munched on some snickers and slapped Cross's back playfully, making the human stumble and blow a raspberry at Night.

(Definition for those that are too lazy to look up what blowing a raspberry is even though they don't know it: If you blow a raspberry, you make a sound by putting your tongue out and blowing, in order to insult someone)

Cross rolls his eyes back and protests with a pout after, "I'm not joking! I'm actually serious this time!"

Error sighs, "Okay. If you're right, then what are we supposed to do about it? It happened, cool, now let's move on."

Then Nightmare decided to step in at this time, 'I don't think that we should move on right now.'


You ate some cereal with Onyx for dinner (because you wanted to and you could, so you did).

"How do you think Nightmare is doing right now?"

Onyx shrugs, "Dunno. Hope everything works out, though."

"Yeah," you nod, and the atmosphere turns into a comfortable silence.

Wait... I'm Nightmare!? I Thought I Died!?Where stories live. Discover now