It's Christmas

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The comforting aroma of cinnamon and freshly-baked bread filled the downstairs of Arthur's mansion, wafting upwards to the bedrooms. Lloyd awoke to find Rebecca's side of the bed empty. Copies of his old college yearbooks sat open on the table by the bed, indicating that Rebecca had been flicking through them. The wet towel on the radiator suggested that she had also gone for a shower, so Lloyd decided to do the same before heading downstairs. If he was being honest, he would have to admit that a morning shower fuck would have been the perfect Christmas gift.  Especially after her antics last night.

He glided into his favorite white slacks and a navy fine-knit turtleneck, slipping his feet into light navy suede loafers. Giving himself a once-over in the mirror, he couldn't help but smirk with anticipation. He was eager to get Rebecca back to the apartment and spend the next two days completely naked, limbs entangled in each other's company.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Lloyd crept up behind Rebecca, gently pushing her long, tousled hair aside to reveal her neck, he planted a tender kiss enthralled by the sweet scent of perfume on her flushed skin. She turned her head, catching his chin with her ruby-painted lips.

"Good morning, handsome! Merry Christmas!" She beamed in return, ushering him away with a gentle gesture as she skillfully flipped mysterious food in a skillet.

Rebecca bustled around Arthur's extravagant kitchen, while the private chef that Lizanne had hired scurried around behind her, tidying up her mess. Lloyd's gaze drifted to the small table in the corner by the window, where his father was sitting cross-legged, reading the paper. Lizanne sat across from him, her chin resting on her fist, a soft smile gracing her content face as she watched Rebecca cook.

"Merry Christmas." Lloyd nodded as he settled in the seat next to his father.
Without tearing his eyes from the paper he was reading Arthur slid another copy across to his son, "Merry Christmas." He grunted in return.

"I think she is the most adorable thing I've ever seen in my life." Lizanne gushed.
Lloyd who was skimming over articles in the paper nodded in agreement, there was no doubt about it, Rebecca was the most adorable person in existance.  Infectious.  He still couldnt believe how comfortable she was here in his fathers house, in his world.  There wasnt anything she couldnt adapt to.

"This is Ford." Rebecca introduced the dark haired chef as they both carried plates to the table.

Lloyd flicked a smile at him, "Good morning." He said.

Rebecca silently thanked the chef for helping carry the plates, then gestured to the food, "This plate is sweet, and that one is savoury." She smiled passing out smaller plates and cutlery.

Arthur furrowed his brow as he tried to decipher the dish that Rebecca had prepared. "What is this?" he asked, his nose slightly scrunched.

Lizanne began filling her plate, inhaling the delicious aroma. "Mmm, smells divine," she hummed.

"It's French toast," Rebecca answered.

Lloyd scoffed. "I'm sorry, but that is neither French nor toast," he declared.

Rebecca and Lloyd departed shortly after breakfast, and it seemed that everyone had enjoyed the French toast, even if they couldn't agree on what to call it. Lloyd adamantly insisted on referring to it as "fried egg bread,"  winking at Rebecca each time he took a bite.


Lloyd loathed it when Rebecca fidgeted; she was always so nervous when visiting her parents' house. Why should she feel this way, especially on Christmas Day? He didn't care what they thought of him; he even welcomed their obvious disdain. But he couldn't bear the way they treated their only daughter. His prefect Rebecca.

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