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Lloyd jumped up from the table glancing at Rebecca's drenched feet, his lip curling at the puddle beneath them. His head began shaking side to side frantically, "No." he said, "No...no no no."  He pulled out his cell phone, bringing up his google search, "No. high and closed you said. High and closed meant it wasn't coming any time soon. You said that. You...you told me that."

Rebecca's heart was pounding with fear and trepidation, "It's time Lloyd."

"NO!" He yelled his reply.

"Lloyd I love you, but if you say 'no' or yell at me one more time I'm going to slap you so hard across the face that even google wont be able to find you, do you understand me?" Rebecca scolded him, "Now, go get the bags."

Lloyd burst into the house like a tornado, nearly toppling Lizanne as she bent down to retrieve Tony's beloved chew toy. He sprinted up the stairs, his heart racing faster than an Olympic sprinter, to grab the hospital bag from the nursery.

"Hey, slow down there You don't want to pop those stitches," Lizanne scolded, trying to keep up with him.

Lloyd zoomed back down the stairs, his nerves on edge. "Rebecca's waters broke...she's having the...the..." he stammered, his face turning paler than a ghost.

Lizanne's eyes widened in shock. "Sit down, Lloyd," she commanded, guiding him to a chair by the window.

Just then, Rebecca waddled into the living room, Arthur by her side holding her arm supportively.

Rebecca arched an eyebrow at Lizanne, her concern palpable. "What's wrong with him?" she asked, her voice laced with worry.

Lizanne sighed, "He went all out running up the stairs and now...well, I think he's in shock."

Rebecca made her way over to Lloyd, who was sitting there looking like a deer caught in headlights. "You okay, handsome?" she asked, trying to inject some levity into the situation.

Lloyd nodded frantically, "Yeah, of course. What can I do? Do you need new underwear, a coffee, some snacks, a time machine, a plug?"

Rebecca couldn't help but chuckle at Lloyd's neurotic behaviour, but she knew he needed to snap out of it. After all, when the contractions started, she didn't want to deal with his freak out. For now, she was stuck between a place of zen and fear.  But fresh underwear sounded good.

"Hey Lloyd, mind giving me a hand upstairs?" Rebecca asked, batting her eyelashes. Lloyd groaned as he got up from his chair, his pain evident in every movement. But hey, at least once this baby was out, she could take care of both of her boys.

Meanwhile, Arthur and Lizanne were standing at the bottom of the staircase, looking like they were playing a game of emotional whiplash. Panic one second, excitement the next.

Rebecca, ever the multitasker, was shimmying out of her old underwear and tossing them into the laundry basket. "Lloyd, come here," she called, as he handed her a fresh pair from the drawer. He wanted to fall to his knees and help her in, but he just couldn't. So he settled for holding her frame while she pulled them on.

"It's going to be okay," she cooed, sweeping his hair back and running her thumb over his mustache.

Lloyd shook his head, defeated. "You don't know that, I almost lost you once, and I can't do that again, Becca."

Rebecca smiled sadly. "And I've almost lost you, so I guess the scales are even." She leaned in and pressed her lips firmly against his. "Let's go meet our little bundle of joy."

Arthur asked which car he should drive, and Lloyd handed him the keys to Rebecca's Lexus. It was only when they hit the interstate that Arthur decided to drop the bombshell that his license expired 20 years ago and he hadn't driven since. But Rebecca didn't care. Her body started to seize, contractions coming faster and faster.

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