The Birds And The Bees

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Lloyd had stared stoically for the last 23 minutes.
He didn't know what to say, or how to respond. He also wasn't entirely sure what he was looking at. Rebecca's stomach wasn't completely pronounced, she could have had a big lunch or be bloated, it couldn't possibly be...
Could it?
Is it?
"Say something." Rebecca hiccuped nervously.

Lloyd opened his mouth, but no words emerged, so he shut it again. He repeated this four more times, much to Rebecca's exasperation. She shook her head in disbelief, then strode out of the bedroom in her underwear and descended the stairs to check on Tony and get a glass of water.

When she returned to the bedroom, Lloyd hadn't moved an inch. His gaze was still fixed on the spot where she had been standing.

"Here," she said, extending her arm and offering him a glass. "You look like you could use this."

Lloyd accepted the glass and gulped it down, wincing as the warm liquid slid down his throat. "What the fuck is this?" he coughed out.

"Vodka," Rebecca replied.

"No, this," Lloyd said, pointing to her stomach. "Are you pregnant?"

Rebecca nervously nodded, her bottom lip trembling. "I'm pregnant," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lloyd twirled an empty glass in his hand, his brow furrowing. "Is it mine?" he asked, his voice heavy with apprehension.

Rebecca scoffed, her cheeks flushing. "Oh my God, why does everyone keep asking me that?" She bent down to pick up her robe, her movements stiff.

"How?" Lloyd scoffed anxiously.

Rolling her eyes, Rebecca exhales slowly, "Well Lloyd, when a man sticks his pe-"

Lloyd cut her off, "I know how babies are made, Rebecca! No, I mean how long has it been in there?" He gestured vaguely with his hands.

Rebecca asked, her arms folded across her chest in a defensive stance, "How far along am I?" She replied, barely audible, "Sixteen weeks."

Lloyd got to his feet and began pacing the room, musing out loud, "My birthday. That's when it happened." He pointed to the moment of conception with a slow sigh.
Rebecca chided, "Fast math, well done."

"How long have you known?" Lloyd asked, holding onto his breath.

Rebecca's stomach churned, this was the part of the conversation she had wanted to avoid.  She had kept this secret from him for; "Twelve weeks." Her voice trembled.

"Shit." Lloyd groaned, "It's an actual baby has baby parts?"

Rebecca wondered what he was implying; was he asking her to get an abortion?
That was absolutely something she wasn't going to do. She wanted this little life more than anything, she also wanted Lloyd. But if it came down to a choice, the baby wins. Every. Single. Time.

Lloyd watched as tears built in Rebecca's eyes, "Fuck, I realise how that came across. I didn't mean it...I'm...this is...I'm just...fuck." His breathing quickened as he paced frantically from the window to where Rebecca stood in front of the dresser.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was in shock too. My parents know, the girls and...Alan." Rebecca says.

Lloyd stopped his pacing, his face a mask of disbelief. "Alan knows?" he asked incredulously.

Rebecca took a small step towards him. "I only told him last night," she said softly. "I was going to ask for his advice about how to tell you, but then..."

Lloyd's eyes narrowed, a deep crease forming in the middle of his brows. "And if I hadn't been at the car place today, and there hadn't been a rain storm...then what?" he demanded. "When were you going to tell me?" He held his hand to his ear like a cell phone. "Oh, Lloyd, just wanted to let you know that I had your baby. What? Really? When? Five years ago? He's..." Lloyd pulled the fake cell down, breaking character. "And I'm just assuming it's a boy here," he said, resuming his fake call. "Starting preschool today, just thought now was the right time to tell you."

Rebecca's mouth hung opened, she had so much to say, but nothing at the same time.

"Are you fucking insane, Rebecca?" Lloyd scoffed.

"What did you expect, Lloyd? You held a gun to my head, you divorced me...what was I supposed to do? I was terrified. I still am!" She saw his face drop a little, "I know I said I forgave you, and I do. But I'm so scared Lloyd. I'm on my own, no husband and pregnant." She glances up at him through bleary eyes, "Heart broken. I don't have anything anymore. Except this." She caresses her budding stomach, "And I guess I wanted to keep it —"

"Safe." Lloyd interjects, "From me?"

Rebecca chokes back sob, "No, no. I promise, not in the way you think. I guess I don't want you to reject it. Like you rejected me." She saw that look on his face again, the one that emulates a dagger being twisted in his chest. "I wanted to keep it solely for me. Just for a little while." She goes into her dresser drawer, "My head is so noisy all of the time, constantly replaying everything over and over, but when I saw this..." She hands him the sonogram, "I knew I had to get myself together. For him."

He held the picture in his hands, studying it intently as if he were expecting it to come to life. Rebecca tried to interpret his expression, but the subtle movements of his moustache and the fluttering of his eyebrows remained indecipherable.

Clearing his throat, he finally spoke. "It's a boy?"
Rebecca nodded through a watery smile.
There was a little light in his eyes that shone as he handed the picture back to her, "Keep it.  I got them to print two." A sudden rush of panic sickened her, "If you want to that is. I know it's a lot to digest at the moment. And for what it's worth, I'am sorry for not telling you sooner."

Lloyd tucked the photograph into the top pocket of his navy cashmere polo shirt, "I want it.  This...and it's entirely your choice but Rebecca, Sweetheart, I want us."


Just a short chapter.
I have a lot on next week including jury duty so updates might be slow.
Please have patience.
As always give me all of the feedback...
And please please please vote.

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