I Saw You First

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Lloyd propelled himself forward in the luxurious cream leather chair, pinching his brow intensely and his cell phone pressed tightly against his ear. He had a mere 10 seconds before the contents of his stomach threatened to spill across the brown carpet of the jet.

"Answer your fucking phone," he gritted through clenched teeth, repeatedly pressing the recall button in desperation.

Rebecca had promised to call him when she arrived home, but she hadn't. Lloyd's gut instinct told him that something was really fucking wrong.

"Still nothing?" Thalia whispered to Alan as she emerged from the cockpit. Alan shook his head in response, his own phone still pressed to his ear. Thalia had already tried reaching out to both McKenna and Hazel, but they too had failed to answer.

Lloyd persistently dialed Rebecca's number, his heart pounding in his chest. Alan and Thalia stood by, their breaths held in anticipation, knowing that after six rings, a haunting silence would follow, and then...

"Hi, you've reached Rebe—"

"Fuck!!!" Lloyd roared, his frustration boiling over. He hurled his cellphone across the cabin, watching it shatter against the unforgiving plastic wall.

Thalia slipped quickly into the cockpit emerging after a few seconds with a new cellphone, she had taken the pilots. Handing it to Lloyd she placed a hand on his back, trying to comfort him. He shrugged her off, his every nerve fried and exposed. There was no comforting him. Almost snatching the cell out of her hands he keyed in Rebecca's number.


"H-hey dad..." Rebecca's feigned cheer was suffocated by trepidation and it ate up all of the oxygen on the jet as they waited for her to say something else.

Lloyd drew in a sharp breath, "Rebecca, who's with you?"

"Oh no sorry dad, I can't right now. Mia had her shots today and now I have a friend over."

"Good girl, now tell me who the friend is?" Lloyd glanced up at Thalia and Alan.

Rebecca paused for a second, her breath coming through the speaker shakily, "Just one of Lloyd's old college friends, Denny."

Lloyd felt as though the weight of his body shifted to his knees. Before he had the chance to react or say anything else Rebecca whimpered.

"I'm sorry d-dad...I have to go now...I love you...See you soon?" Her voice trailed off as the cell phoned clicked off.

Lloyd lunged out of his chair, fury and a red mist of hatred descending over him. His fist propelled into the plastic wall of the jet. Just repeatedly richoeting as splatters of blood from his burst knuckles flicked around like a kindergarten painting.

"Denny has her." Lloyd said quietly, "he has them." His voice rising with each deep panicked breath, "he set me up, and I fucking fell for it."

Alan grabbed a napkin from the food cart behind Lloyds seat and wrapped it around his hand, "Boss—"

Lloyd snarled, his eyes furiously wide, "Boss nothing. If anything happens to them I will burn the fucking world to the ground." And that was the truth.

Alan didn't say anything else. Because when it came to Rebecca and Mia, even Lloyd. He would do it too.


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