Injured (Four)

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I grit my teeth as I make my way down the stairs towards my apartment. Last night's shift at the wall had been pretty uneventful, except for the part where one of the newbies had been messing around and accidentally shot me in the hip. Needless to say that I had spent 2 hours in the infirmary after I got back. It hurt like a bitch as they dug the bullet out and stitched me up and I badly wanted to give that kid a taste of his own medicine. When I get to the door of the apartment, I silently hope that Four is off at work. The apartment is empty when I enter, so my hopes have been confirmed. I trudge to the bedroom and unceremoniously toss my boots across the room before carefully climbing into bed, make sure to lie on the side that was not shot. The doctor told me to rest a few days and gave me pain meds, but I sure as hell wasn't about to do that. I wanted to maintain an air of normalcy, especially because I didn't want Four to know. He wasn't concerned now because it wasn't unusual for me to stay out all night at the wall. I decided to take a nap before going to see Four.

Three hours later, I was up and putting my boots back on. I headed towards the training room because I knew that's where Four was going to be. We had a new batch of initiates come in a few weeks ago, so he wasn't going to be in intelligence for a little while. As I entered the room, I stayed silently in the back and watched Four, who hadn't noticed me. Eric of course noticed me because he's my brother and he subtly smirked at me. I stood next to him and he whispered "So how did it go, little sis?" I glared up at him before responding "Not too eventful. I busted my ass at the end of the shift because someone spilled something on the stairs." I wasn't about to tell Eric either because he and Four were the scariest people in Dauntless and I didn't want anyone else getting hurt. Eric chuckled quietly and shook his head before turning his attention back to the initiates. Some of them looked promising, others looked like they wouldn't survive the first round. Four was going around correcting their stances and giving pointers, completely focused on his job. He stopped for a second to just watch the initiates and I decided to join him. I walked over and stood next to him and asked "How do you think they're doing?" He looked surprised for a brief moment before he said "I think some of them have potential. When did you get back?""Earlier this morning. I took a nap for a few hours before I came here, though." Four nodded in understanding and we continued to judge the initiates. Several of the kids shot looks in my direction, but didn't say anything. They knew who I was and the last time I was here, Four let me take control and several of them had passed out by the end of that session. Four reached his hand behind me to rest it on my hip and I hissed out in pain when he touched the wound. He quickly removed his hand and turned to look at me with concern written all over his face. 

"What was that?""What was what?""The noise you just made.""What noise?" He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by one of the kids crying out. He looked over to them before turning back to me and saying "We'll talk about this later" and then hurried off. I took this time to quickly leave the room and make my way to the cafeteria because it was lunch and I was hungry as hell. I ate by myself, but I saw the dude that shot me sitting several tables down and I glared at him the entire time, which made him glance at me worriedly. As I was leaving, I took my empty plate and crashed it over his head. The little pieces went everywhere and he fell out of his seat while his buddies looked bewildered. I kept walking and made my way to the infirmary to get more pain meds. Again the doctor's warning fell on deaf ears as I swallowed the meds and made my way back to the apartment. 

I sprawled out on the floor of the small living room and tried to focus on anything else other than the aching pain coming from my hip. Our apartment was very clean and everything was well-arranged due to mine and Four's tendencies. There weren't many decorations, it was just nice and simple. I stared at the one painting we had in the living room, which was filled with a sunrise over a field of flowers. The painting had come from our grandmother, who was Amity. She had made it and given it to mom when mom chose Erudite, as a way to remember the beauty of the faction she grew up in. Mom kept it and gave it to me and Eric when we chose Dauntless. Eric of course let me have it because "it was girly," which was complete bullshit. Leaving your family for a new faction seemed to be a trend in our family. As I was thinking on this, I heard the door open and close and heavy feet walking towards me. I looked up to see Four and his blue eyes standing over me with a slight smile on his face. "What are you doing?""Oh, y'know, the usual. Trying to understand the mysteries of the world, like why you drive on a parkway but park on a driveway." He shook his head at me and helped me up while I tried to hide a grimace. However, he saw it and his face turned more serious as he asked "What happened?""Nothing." I said a little too quickly. He reached out and applied a little pressure to my hip, which made me wince and groan. "Oh really?" He said as he raised an eyebrow and removed his hand from my side. "It was just a little accident." I said quietly. He crossed his arms across his chest and continued to stare me down. "One of the new guys was messing around on the wall and accidentally shot me." Four's face immediately changed and I quickly said "But it's okay because I got him back earlier today. I didn't shoot him, though.""But I will." Four said as  he moved towards the doorway.

I quickly blocked his path and said "Absolutely not. Karma will have it's way with him, but you will not.""But he hurt my girlfriend.""And I am perfectly fine!""No you're not." I sighed in defeat and instead moved forwards to take his hands in mine. "It could've been worse and I'm not dead, so let's leave it for now." He sighed and pressed his forehead to mine and we stood in silence for several minutes. "Can I see it?" Four asked. I took my hands out of his to lift my shirt slightly and let him see the wound. He inhaled slightly and gently ran his hand along it. It wasn't that bad. "And what did the doctor say to do?" He asked after a moment. I stayed quiet. His eyes came up to meet mine. "Y/n?""He said to rest for a few days." I mumbled. Four put my shirt back down before grabbing my hand and leading me to our room. He helped me change into more comfortable clothes and got me situated in bed. "For the rest of today and the next two days, you are not leaving this bed or so help me I will tell Eric." I grumbled because I knew he wasn't bluffing. Four sat beside me and pressed a kiss to my lips before pulling me down so that we were cuddled together under the blanket. "How about for now you just sleep because you've been awake all night?" He suggested as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I snuggled closer into his side and sighed contentedly. "That sounds nice." I said as I felt myself begin to drift off. He kissed my forehead and began to run his fingers through my hair as I finally let sleep take over.

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