At What Cost (Draco Malfoy)

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Draco's POV

I sat at the long meeting table, previously our dining table, and tried to pay attention to the talk around me. I found it harder to keep my thoughts about the dark lord's agenda the more I began to doubt my joining the deatheaters. My unseeing eyes wandered aimlessly about the room, not taking in the dark patterned wallpaper or the intricate patterns on the ceiling moldings. I thought about what my girlfriend would think of me now, sitting in this depressing place, rubbing elbows with the worst men wizrdkind had known. 

My thoughts, and the talk around me, stopped when a scream tore through the whole house and seemed to echo in the vast, empty rooms of Malfoy Manor. Several of the members looked anxious and confused, but I knew where it came from. The cells in our basement currently held several people and creatures so that they could be tortured to get answers on the whereabouts on certain persons. My face remained neutral as my bitch of an aunt, Bellatrix, let out a gleeful cackle and looked longingly towards Voldemort. "Oh please let me go and have some fun with her. I'll surely get the answers out of her." Voldemort pretended to consider this for a moment before he said "I think it would be best to give her someone she trusts, she'd be more likely to give answers under the guise that she was confiding in someone on her side." As he said this, he stood and seemed to glide behind the row of chairs, making people shiver as he passed, before I sensed him stop behind me. 

I looked across the table and saw my mother's face turn white, but my father's face betrayed no emotion. He gripped the arms of his chair as he said "My lord, are you sure about that? He is still merely a child, and there are many of us more experienced in getting answers.""Yes, but trust is a strong thing, isn't it, Draco?" Before I could respond, there was a shuffling noise heard outside the dining hall. A moment later, a man in dark robes and a great scruffy beard entered the room with a figure thrown over his shoulder. He dumped it unceremoniously on top of the end of the table, and it was then that I got a good look at who it was. "What have you done?" I asked in horror. I stared in shock at my girlfriend, Y/n, her h/c hair spread around her, her skin as pale as paper. "Nothing quite extreme yet, she is merely unconscious." Voldemort said, studying me carefully. He stepped back a bit and gestured me towards her. I slowly stood and took measured steps towards her, feeling everyone's eyes following my every move. I stood over her and looked down at her pained but beautiful face, wishing I could touch her face but forcing myself to maintain some composure.

"Why have you done this to her?" I asked. Bellatrix's voice piped in saying "she was working for the other side.""But she is a pureblood from a noble family, like the rest of us.""But she might as well be a Weasley. She has betrayed us all!" My aunt practically screeched. My eyes narrowed towards her as Voldemort said "It is very unfortunate that we have lost another great pureblood witch to the dirtied halls of Hogwarts, which runs rampant with halfbloods and mudbloods." He seemed to spit out the last word as my aunt cackled again.

I looked towards him and asked "What are you going to do with her?" as I gestured towards the body before me. He seemed unbothered as he replied "Torture her, of course, until she gives us what we want. Or else she dies if she hasn't gone mad yet.""Just like those Longbottoms!" Bellatrix interjected in a both cheerful and malicious tone. I felt my blood begin to boil at the careless treatment of my girlfriend. She didn't deserve this. My eyes fell upon my mother, and her face was still white and drawn in anguish. She had loved Y/n as the daughter she had never had for several years and was quite fond of her. Next to mother, father's face remained unchanged, but I saw something in his eyes. Even if he hated to admit it, he was fond of Y/n, too.

I was snapped back to reality to hear Voldemort saying "Really, Draco, you should end your relationship. It does not look good to maintain relations with a traitor." I turned to look at him and said "I don't think I can do that." His false smile fell for a moment before it came back and he asked "And why not?" "Because I love this girl and have been with her for many years. She cared for me when no one else did and taught me so much about life." Voldemort's face turned to that of fake sympathy as he said "Poor Draco, she has corrupted your mind. Can't you see how bad she is for you?" I looked down at her face for a moment before replying "She is the best thing that has ever happened to me." 

Voldemort's facade of calm snapped as he yelled "You foolish boy! We, your family, have nurtured you here in the proper ways to be a wizard, and yet you choose to stay and defend this worthless blood traitor?!""Draco, what has gotten into you? She's just a traitorous bitch!" My aunt howled from her seat as she seemed to whip herself up into a mad frenzy. "You are no family of mine. She is the only family I need, and I will not stay where my family is attacked!" At that moment, my hand grabbed hers tightly and I apperated out of Malfoy Manor, the last things I saw being my parents' shocked faces and the livid look in Voldemort's eyes.

I found myself standing in a little cottage that Y/n and I had built almost two years ago to get away from life when it got too hectic. I had let Y/n design most of it because seeing her happy was the only thing I cared about. I carefully laid Y/n down on a little couch before I got to work setting up protection wards and undetectable spells on the cottage. When I was done, I took Y/n in my arms and examined her. There seemed to be no physical injuries, but there was a lot of strain on her mental state. As I sat there, holding Y/n in my arms, I promised her that I would never let something bad happen to her ever again.

I honestly enjoyed writing this one, and I'm tempted to make it into it's own book. Let me know what you think.

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