Prom (Andy Biersack)

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I hurriedly threw on my shoes as my phone pinged, announcing another message from the group chat. The guys were on their way and I was trying to get my shit together. I left my room and went to the front door just as their car pulled into my driveway. They all clambered out and began complaining about their suits, which they all looked very nice in, especially Andy. I laughed as I went down to meet them, my mom right behind me. She was introduced to the guys and then she hurried us over to where she could take pictures. The first ones were of us together, Andy sitting beside me on a bench while the others stood behind. Then we did just the guys, and then each guy with me. Andy volunteered to go first and came up to stand next to me. His arm came up to wrap around me and my breath caught in my throat. Andy had never touched me before, so this was new. After him was CC, then Jake, and finally Jinxx. My mom sent me all the pictures so I could send them to the guys and their moms before we all piled into the car for dinner.

We had all decided we wanted food before we went to prom, so Jake had found a place that wasn't too formal but wasn't like a McDonalds. I sat in the front while Andy drove and the other three guy's were crammed in the back row. At one point, there was a sharp curve in the road and a second later CC screeched out, "I've been squished!" I turned in my seat to see that Jake and Jinxx had both slid into CC, who was pressed into the door. I burst out laughing at the scene and CC playfully glared at me. We finally managed to reach the restaurant in one piece and we went inside. When we got to our table, all of the guys took their jackets off and hung them over their chairs. "Finally I can move my arms," Jake declared, letting out a sigh of relief. "Dude, I can't sit normally because these pants are too tight," Andy complained. "Well, at least we're all wearing ties unlike someone at this table," Jinxx said as all eyes turned to CC. He threw up his hands in self-defense and started laughing. "Well," I began, "I'm glad I don't have these problems." Andy started laughing as he said, "Of course you don't, you're not even wearing pants." I giggled at his comment.

Dinner was nice, and we had wasted enough time so that it was pretty close to prom starting. We got back in the car and started driving to the venue. After about a minute in the car, the guys in the back started playfully arguing and Andy said, "If you guys don't stop it, I'm going to turn this car around." Three somber "yes dad" quickly followed and then it was silent. To fill the silence, Andy turned on some Avenged Sevenfold, which was one of my favorite bands and he usually turned it on whenever I was in the car with him. The music was kinda low and the guys had started talking again, but I recognized "Nightmare" and I got excited. "I love this song," I said to no one in particular. Andy gave me a sideways glance before he reached over and turned the volume up. I smiled and told him thank you and he smiled in return.

Parking was a little bit of a hassle because all three guys in the back were trying to give him directions and tips when they had no idea where the venue even was. Thus ensued a lot of yelling between them that was funny to listen to. Eventually, we parked and walked towards the building where a crowd of people had gathered. There was a red carpet that started in the middle of the parking lot and ended at the doors to the building. We lined up behind several other groups, and when we got closer, we were broken up. They didn't let the five of us walk down together, so Andy, CC, and I went down first, followed by Jake and Jinxx. Once we were in the building, we saw all of the decorations and more people. The theme was something like tropical oasis, which was lame, but at least the decorations were pretty. As soon as we got in, Andy was recognized by one of his friends and they started talking. I didn't know this person, so I stepped back a little to be respectful and let them talk. After a minute, Andy turned and looked at me and said, "You don't have to stand over there. You can stand over here and be a part of this." I felt my cheeks go slightly pink as I moved closer and just listened to the conversation.

This was how most of the night went. I stuck close to Andy and the guys since I didn't really know anyone there. We also kept losing CC, who would disappear when we weren't paying attention for a split second and then reappear a minute later. At one point, we ventured into the room where there was dancing and music just to say we had been in there, and I was quickly overwhelmed. There were so many people in here and everything was so loud. Andy turned to look at me and asked, "Are you ok?" I shook my head and I saw him look around before he cursed under his breath. CC, Jake, and Jinxx had wandered off to a separate part of the room. Andy put his hand on my shoulder and led me out of the room. Once we were out, I went straight to the opposite wall and let myself lean against it. "You stay right here, I'm gonna go get the others, ok?" I nodded and watched Andy disappear back into the room. 

When he returned with the others, we huddled up. "Ok, I'm in favor of leaving soon. None of you guys care who the prom king and queen are, right?" We all nodded our heads. "Ok great," Andy said, clapping his hands together. "Go say goodbye to whoever you need to and we'll meet back up at the car." CC, Jake, and Jinxx went off as Andy and I left the building and headed towards the car. Once in, I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god, my shoes are killing me," I groaned. Andy chuckled. "I'm just ready to get out of these constricting clothes," he added. I nodded in agreement. Soon enough, the other guys joined us and we had to figure out how to do this. Our plan was to go home and change before going to CC's house to hang out. Jake's house was closest and he could go drive himself to CC's house, so we dropped him off first. Then we went to my house where the guys waited in the car as I hurried inside and threw on more comfortable clothes before rejoining them. Then we went to Jinxx's house, and then Andy's house. He quickly changed, and after grabbing some soda and card games, we made our way to CC's house.

The living room was upstairs in his house, so as we made our way up, Andy shouted back at me, "Don't look at my ass." I started laughing as I said, "I promise you, I'm not looking at your ass. I'm staring at the stairs in great detail.""Yeah right," he said. As we were setting up the games in the living room, Jake texted saying he wasn't coming anymore, he was way too tired. We were sad, but at least there were still four of us. More food was quickly procured and we made ourselves comfortable on the couch. I didn't realize how much Andy liked to sprawl until one leg was thrown over the back of the couch and the rest of his limbs were splayed around him. I laughed at the sight and he playfully glared at me.

We played Cards Against Humanity the whole night. I kept getting the good cards, so I ended up beating Andy and he threw a pillow at me. As the night progressed we kept getting lower and lower into the couch, so that eventually if I really tried I could poke Andy in the head with my foot. It was around 1 in the morning when we decided to call it a night, especially since Jinxx was passed out on the couch. We cleaned up our stuff and woke him up before we said goodbye to CC and thanked him for having us over. Andy dropped Jinxx off first before we made our way to my house. Once he parked in the driveway, he said, "Y/n, can you stay for a second?" My hand froze on the handle as I turned toward him and said, "Sure, what's up?" He took a deep breath before he said, "Y/n, I like you." At that, I felt like my heart had stopped beating for a moment. And then a huge smile came across my face. "Really?" I asked. He nodded vigorously and I laughed. "Well I like you, too.""Really?" He asked, and this time it was my turn to nod. He had the biggest grin on his face as he leaned over and hugged me. "Alright, I'll let you go. We can talk more tomorrow. Goodnight, Y/n." As I climbed out, I said, "Goodnight, Andy," and went inside feeling like I was about to explode from happiness.

I feel like this one was kinda shitty, but I just needed to get it down and out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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