Overcomer (Christian Coma/CC)

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Since birth, I have had this chronic debilitating illness that makes simple tasks seem strenuous. I also have these random bouts when it gets really bad and I end up bedridden for a week or two, which was where I was at currently. I could hear my phone buzzing for the millionth time on my bedside table, but I couldn't muster the strength to reach over and grab it. I knew it was CC, my wonderful boyfriend who was probably worried out of his mind because of my lack of response from the past few days. He was off on tour with the band and I had to take care of myself, which was really just me sleeping and eating very little.

I heard a noise downstairs followed by a voice that I recognized calling out my name. I heard footsteps thundering up the stairs and then the face of a very anxious CC appeared in the doorway a second later. He took one look at me before he hurried to my side and asked "Is this why you didn't answer?" I nodded my head slightly and he smiled sadly down at me. "Have you eaten anything?""Not really" I managed to croak out. He nodded his head in understanding and kissed my forehead before heading downstairs. Several minutes later, he returned with chicken broth, a few crackers, and some water. He placed them on the bedside table before he carefully propped me up with a bunch of pillows and began to feed me. I was very thankful to have such a caring and understanding boyfriend.

When I had eaten enough, CC sat it aside and helped me lay back down before he climbed into bed next to me. He began to run his fingers through my hair as I buried my face into his chest and inhaled his scent. "How long are you gonna be home?" I asked. "A few weeks. When we go back, I'm taking you with me. I don't like the idea of you being home alone like this." He said as he took his other hand and rested it on my hip before he began to rub circles on it. I hummed in content as I began to doze off and soon I was claimed by sleep. The next morning I felt slightly better, so CC helped me change into clean clothes since I had been in those clothes for maybe four days. As I listened to him running a load of laundry, I felt bad that I couldn't help him or do most other things without his help. As he came back into the bedroom, I asked "Why do you care for me when I'm such a burden?" CC stopped to look at me and said "First of all, you are not a burden. I care for you because I love you and you are so incredibly strong to me. Don't you ever think you are a burden." I smiled up at him as he kissed my forehead before flopped onto the bed with a loud "Oof." I couldn't help but laugh as he turned to look at me with a goofy grin on his face. "Man have I missed this." He said, stretching his arms above his head.

"CC, do you mind helping me downstairs? I just need to move a little." CC looked at me skeptically as he asked "Are you sure?" I nodded my head in reply and he rolled off the bed before coming around to my side. He helped bring my legs over the side of the bed before he wrapped his arm around my waist and I draped an arm over his shoulder. Slowly, I got to my feet and nodded my head when I was good. We began to make our way out of the room and towards the stairs in a slow manner, taking the stairs carefully when we got to them. When we were at the bottom, I kinda pulled CC towards the backdoor and we ambled outside and made ourselves comfortable in the chairs on the patio. I let out a sigh of relief as I could now just sit and enjoy the view. The weather was very nice this particular afternoon and there was a slight breeze blowing. CC took one of my hands in his and pressed a kiss to my knuckles as he said "Do you know how beautiful you look?" I shook my head at him and smacked his arm playfully as I smiled nonetheless.

We spent several hours outside and CC told me all about how tour had been. I laughed the most when he told me how the band and crew decided to play manhunt in some of the rooms in the back of a venue and Andy kept screaming because it was so dark. I was so happy to have CC back. As we watched the sunset, my stomach grumbled and CC couldn't help but laugh. "I might just be a little hungry." I admitted sheepishly. CC helped me back up and we went back inside so I could sit on the couch and watch him cook. He decided to just make soup because I still was not 100%, and as he cooked he talked to his band members over facetime. As CC brought his phone over to me, I heard him say "Hey guys, guess who's coming with us this next tour!" I could hear the guys celebrating as CC got himself situated and let me see all of them. "So Y/n, are you excited?" Andy asked and I nodded my head, which made the boys cheer. These guys were like brothers to me and I had known them since CC and I started dating four years ago. As they continued talking, I rested my head on CC's shoulder and kinda zoned out. I was brought back a few minutes later by Jake calling my name. "You okay there, Y/n?" I nodded my head as CC said "We did a little walk today since she's getting over another round, so I think she's tired." The other guys made sympathetic faces and told me they hoped I would feel better soon.

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