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This about to be a real long book😩 I have so much I want to happen in book 1 before book 2.

How was y'all day?



Andre and Mont were outside smoking with Evelyn and Denise uncles and cousins. They just finished eating about 15 mins ago so now they were just smoking and getting to know each other.

"So what do y'all boys do for a living?" James asked.

"I got my own club and I own a couple other buildings" Andre answered.

"And I help him with that. We like a team" Mont said and Andre nodded.

"Oh really? That's good then" James nodded as he lit his blunt taking a pull from it.

"How y'all meet the girls?" Charles asked.

"I met Evelyn at her job. It was a couple days before Christmas and I was shopping for my family stuff and I asked Evelyn to helped me pick out some perfume. And then I ended up going to her register and asked for a number and it went from there" He shrugged taking the blunt from Mont

"I met Denise from Evelyn"

"Okay okay" Charles nodded.

"Well it seem like y'all boys got sum good going for y'all selfs. Y'all making yo own money and shit" James said.

"Yea I like y'all so far. On good terms with me" Charles shrugged.

"All I know is y'all better not hurt my nieces or it's gone be some consequences"James said

"You ain't even gotta worry about that. Evelyn a Queen and ima treat her like one"

"Yea and Denise got my heart"

"Ight I hear y'all "

Andres phone dinged and he looked down seeing a message from Evelyn. He went to his message thread to text back.


You okay?

I'm good baby. You good?

Of course. My uncles aren't giving you a hard time are they? 😭

Nah they good😂

Okay just making sure cause I know how they are. We gonna leave in a little while though I'm a little tired.

I'm ready when you ready mama


Andre locked his phone putting it back in his pocket. He continued to chat it up with Charles and James as they smoked.



Andre and Evelyn were now on the way home from spending the day with Evelyns family. Evelyn was strolling on her phone until she sighed locking it making Andre glance over at her.

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