chapter 2

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It was the beginning of the year two thousand and nine, Carina, in Sicily had logged on to her computer to see the results of the tests she had taken.

She was competing with no less than three hundred other young people, but only one person was going to be selected to do the equivalent of her last year of high school in the United States; in Seattle to be precise.

-"No, ma l'ADSL è troppo lunga. Sapete che ora esiste la VDSL?" [No, but ADSL is too long. Do you know that VDSL exists now?]

- "Mio caro, sei impaziente. Non è ancora il momento dei risultati e comunque il sito potrebbe andare in crash se tutti si collegano nello stesso momento." [My treasure you are impatient. It's not even time for the results and anyway the site might crash if everyone logs in at the same time] Lucia replied

-"Stai cercando di allontanarti da me in ogni caso" [You are trying to escape me anyway] added Andrea

- "Andrea, Non sei mai la mia persona preferita su questa terra" [You are forever my favorite person on this Earth].

- "Allora perché vuoi andare a studiare per un anno negli Stati Uniti?" [So why do you want to go and study for a year in the United States?]

- "Perché voglio vedere com'è vivere negli Stati Uniti e ho sempre sognato di fare quello che faccio in quei film o in quelle serie..." [Because I want to see what it's like to live in the United States and I've always dreamed of doing what I do in these films or series...]

- "Andrea, Tesoro mio, questa è una grande opportunità per tua sorella se viene presa. Io stesso sogno di vivere negli Stati Uniti." [My treasure, this is a great opportunity for your sister if she is taken. I myself dream of living in the United States]

- "Allora perché non ci andiamo tutti?" [So why don't we all go?]

- "Papà non vuole, non credi che non ci sia per vedere i miei risultati?!" [Daddy doesn't want to, don't you feel like he's not around much to see my results?!]

- "Carina?!"

- "Scusami, mamma, io..." [Excuse me mom I...]

- "No c'è tempo! Aggiornare la pagina!" [No time! Refresh the page!]

Carina had clicked F5 on her keyboard and the page had loaded again. The Italian was biting her perionychium, the epidermis that borders the nail, while frantically moving her feet on the floor.

-"YES!!!" Made she by standing up of a good and by raising her fists towards the ceiling.

Immediately Andrea had put her hands around her sister's waist and stuck her head against her side.

-"Mi mancherai" [I'm going to miss you] made the little boy aged of ten years.

-"Anche tu, ma sai che non partirò fino ai primi di agosto. Trascorrerò tutto il mio tempo libero con te, se vuoi, prima di partire." [You too, but you know I'm not leaving until probably early August. I'll spend all my free time with you if you want before leaving]

- "Promessa" [Promised]

-"Sono orgogliosa di te" [I am proud of you] Lucia said, stretching her arms towards her daughter.

- "grazie mille Mamma, Per favore, prendetevi cura di Andrea mentre sono via. Non lasciatelo con papà" [thanks mommy, You will take care of Andrea in my absence, please. Don't leave him with dad] whispered the brunette to her mother.

- "Promessa" [Promised].


A few days later after receiving a call from the principal of Garfield High School to congratulate her, Carina had been contacted via a high school instant chat service by the person who would be handling everything on site for her until she arrived.

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